因此本研究以人胚胎肾细胞HEK 293T细胞为载体,通过瞬时转染的方式构建 TRPV1通道的异源性表达载体,为进一步探讨 TRPV1通道的功能及其分子机制,以及进一步筛选出高选择性激动剂或抑制剂打下技术和方法学基础。
Overexpression of TRPV1 in 293 cells. (A) Identification of the ...
TRPV1 receptor blockers have been demonstrated to counteract the vasodilation effects of rutaecarpine, suggesting that rutaecarpine protects the cardiovascular system by releasing CGRP through...
Site-specific contacts enable distinct modes of TRPV1 …
2020年12月11日 · To further explore the effect of the MDD on TRPV1 membrane targeting, we developed HEK 293T cell lines stably expressing phage-TRPV1 (Δ1–110) and phage-TRPV1 (Δ359–433), respectively.
A nanoparticle-based wireless deep brain stimulation system that ...
2025年1月15日 · To verify that the highly expressed TRPV1 receptors on DA neurons mediate the anchoring of ATB NPs to the cell membrane, we transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells with a TRPV1 expression plasmid and incubated the cells with ATB NPs (1 …
TRPV1 variants impair intracellular Ca2+ signaling and may confer ...
2018年6月21日 · We identified TRPV1 variants in two patients and their heterologous expression in muscles of trpv1−/− mice strongly enhanced calcium release from SR upon halogenated anesthetic stimulation,...
Uncovering a possible role of reactive oxygen species in ...
2020年8月4日 · Exposure of TRPV1-ferritin-expressing HEK-293T cells at 30 °C to an alternating magnetic field of 501 kHz and 27.1 mT significantly increased SEAP secretion by ~ 82% relative to control cells,...
TRPV1 receptors and nasal trigeminal chemesthesis - PubMed
In order to assess whether TRPV1 plays a role in responses to a broad array of substances, TRPV1 (along with green fluorescent protein) was expressed in human embyonic kidney cells (HEK) 293t cells which were then stimulated with diverse trigeminal irritants.
Functional expression of coumarin-containing TRPV1 channels at …
TRPV1 channels support the detection of noxious and nociceptive input. Currently available functional and structural data suggest that TRPV1 channels have two gates within their permeation...
TRPV1通道异源表达体系的建立和功能的初步研究-期刊-万方数据 …
结果经荧光显微镜观察,转染率可达40%~50%;Western Blot研究发现转染后的 HEK 293T细胞在与 TRPV1通道蛋白相应的位置上具有明显的条带,提示 TRPV1通道蛋白在转染后的细胞中有异源性表达;共聚焦显微成像显示,转染后的 HEK 293T 细胞在受到 TRPV1通道激动剂刺激后 ...