TRW Aftermarket
TRW is one of the largest global brake pad manufacturers in the independent aftermarket and follows the pillars of ZF Aftermarket’s standards of safety, engineering excellence, innovation, partnership, and perfectly tailored product lines.
TRW法蘭絨抗皺立領夾克|green label relaxing|UNITED …
TRW法蘭絨抗皺立領夾克|green label relaxing|UNITED ARROWS LTD. 官方購物網站. 這是一款前拉鍊的短款夾克。 立領設計,底邊採用橡膠抽繩,營造出休閒的印象。 雖然設計簡約,但通過落肩和寬鬆的身幅,能夠展現出隨性風格。 聚酯纖維×人造絲×羊毛的法蘭絨。 這種材料經過磨毛處理,具有起毛感,但不會過於厚重,是一種輕鬆披上的布料。 推薦搭配寬鬆剪裁的下裝。 由於設計簡單,與有圖案或色彩的內搭或下裝相性良好。 不僅適合搭配牛仔褲或卡其褲等休閒 …
TRW 平紋緯編布窄管西裝外套|green label relaxing|UNITED …
這是 Green Label Relaxing 經典的窄身剪裁。 以沉穩的基本色系呈現,適合正式與休閒場合穿著。 雖然是標準的設計,如缺口翻領和翻蓋口袋,但衣長較為簡潔,袖口和下擺有縫線,給人稍微休閒的印象。 使用混合了羊毛的聚酯纖維和人造絲卡爾澤布料。 表面是清晰的斜紋,內裡是帶有起毛的溫暖布料,觸感滑順是其特點。 搭配同材質的褲子即可完成時尚的套裝風格。 由於是簡單的素色設計,內搭有圖案或色彩的上衣可以作為亮點。 也推薦搭配其他下身,形成外套與褲子 …
Products — TRW Aftermarket
Products — TRW Aftermarket ... TRW Aftermarket
2003年3月1日 · These labels are designed to improve TRW Automotive and trading partner productivity by allowing effective and efficient capture of data for production counts, warehouse input/output, cycle counting, shipper generation, forwarding, freight transfer control, receiving, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) and ...
Balenciaga Layered Jeans – LABELS
- cotton twill denim and techno poplin - Trompe l'œil pants: 2 different waists - elasticated tracksuit pants waistline - 5 belt loops - 5 pockets - low crotch - flared leg - Balenciaga label at back
TRW labeled struts - mfg by KYB | BobIsTheOilGuy
2004年4月30日 · Bought a set of "TRW" struts for a Saturn and while the stick-on labels say TRW, stamped into the tube is the letters KYB.
Contact — TRW Aftermarket
TRW is the worlds leading premium solution for braking, steering and suspension. With over 100 years' experience as an Original Equipment provider we write the standards for safety and quality.
TRW|英国TRW - 佳武
TRW 品牌隶属于 ZF 售后市场,是全球原厂 [OE] 品质汽车安全产品的领导者。 我们的 TRW 制动系统、转向和悬架部件、商用车部件和服务工具因其工程质量和创新设计而闻名。
TRW WA.D20.001 Labeling Requirements | PDF | Electronic Data ...
This document provides labeling requirements for automotive parts in North America. It specifies the types of labels required, including labels for single pack cartons, master load pallets, mixed load pallets, and internal containers. Label requirements include applicable specifications and required data fields.
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