Which one would you choose and why ? Traxxas TRX-4 or Axial ... - Reddit
2022年2月15日 · TRX4 is the best IMO (2 speed trans, locking diffs, portals, reliable). I like SCX10 but reliability issues and plastic quality isn't as good as traxxas, still, they look amazing …
Traxxas | TRX-4 VS TRX-4 Sport – An in depth Comparison
Traxxas TRX-4 Sport is the lightweight version and low entry barrier for the user, compared with TRX-4. The standard package of TRX-4 Sport is more user-friendly and flexible for the user as …
Which trx4 is better : r/Traxxas - Reddit
2024年4月2日 · Fortunately, Traxxas offers several versions of the TRX-4 fitting different needs and budgets. Lots of solid suggestions from others already, but here's quick breakdown of …
Traxxas Trx4 vs Axial Scx10 iii: Which is Better? - Ampow Blog
2023年2月13日 · Both crawlers offer excellent performance and durability, but there are some key differences between the two that you should consider when choosing them. Which is Better? …
RCFans论坛 trx4各版本如何选择? - Powered by Discuz!
2023年8月22日 · Trx4有很多版本,唯一需要知道的就是t4运动也就是t4 sport比其他的t4便宜,因为去掉了差速锁和高低档这两个娱乐功能,少了多余的功能,更专注于攀爬,俗称性能爬,或 …
Traxxas TRX4 Vs Traxxas TRX4 Sport - Which Is Right For You?
It's got a built in Gyro, ABS Braking, and a 500M Range For Under $30! In this traxxas trx-4 video I talk through about the plus and minus points of these scale crawlers, and pitch the Traxxas...
RC攀爬的TRX4真有那么好吗? - 知乎专栏
四年了,TRX4在1/10RC攀爬届还是如雷贯耳,但它真的很好嘛? 好和不好,主要还是看怎么玩. RC攀爬主要分两种:仿真和性能。 仿真,硬壳的细节明显比软壳有优势;而性能,轻量化车 …
TRX-4 vs. TRX-4 Sports : r/Traxxas - Reddit
2020年3月13日 · As far as I know right now is that the standard TRX-4 has the high gear/low gear selection and differential lock, while TRX-4 Sports is heap cheaper. Thank you! No locking diff …
RCFans论坛 Trx4 G500 VS YK4106 G63 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年2月28日 · 完全同意, 我也是覺得traxxas 外殼比較靚! 但是也忍不住買了YK4106 pro, 我覺得性價比好高,幾欣賞佢嘅燈組和坦克掉頭,雖然坦克掉頭比較少用,這個價錢真的吸引很 …
Traxxas TRX-4 Sport vs Vanquish Phoenix! - YouTube
2022年1月5日 · Both are very fun and have unique capabilities check out how they stacked up! West Desert Wheeler Merch! Hoodies and T-Shirts https://west-desert-shooter.myspreads...