Sensitive Security Information - Transportation Security Administration
SSI is a category of sensitive information that must be protected because it is information that, if publicly released, would be detrimental to the security of transportation. In other words, SSI is …
49 CFR Part 1520 -- Protection of Sensitive Security Information
SSI means sensitive security information, as described in § 1520.5. Threat image projection system means an evaluation tool that involves periodic presentation of fictional threat images …
What is SSI? - Transportation Security Administration
SSI is a category of sensitive information that must be protected because it is information that, if publicly released, would be detrimental to the security of transportation. In other words, SSI is …
SSI Requirements The SSI regulation mandates specific and general requirements for handling and protecting SSI. You Must – Lock Up All SSI: Store SSI in a secure container such as a …
eCFR :: 49 CFR 1520.5 -- Sensitive security information.
Except as otherwise provided in writing by TSA in the interest of public safety or in furtherance of transportation security, the following information, and records containing such information, …
49 CFR § 1520.5 - Sensitive security information.
Except as otherwise provided in writing by TSA in the interest of public safety or in furtherance of transportation security, the following information, and records containing such information, …
Sensitive security information - Wikipedia
Sensitive security information (SSI) is a category of United States sensitive but unclassified information obtained or developed in the conduct of security activities, the public disclosure of …
Ensure appointment of at least one employee in each TSA office that generates/accesses SSI to serve as SSI Coordinator, and grant each SSI Coordinator authority to make determinations …
Access to Sensitive Security Information in Contract Solicitations (SSI ...
2010年9月9日 · The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) conducts security threat assessments on individuals and companies that seek access to Sensitive Security Information …
If determined necessary for the proposal preparation process, TSA may permit offerors to have access to Sensitive Security Information (SSI) necessary to prepare a proposal. SSI is a form …