TS4 Rebels | Notion
You still need to visit the Vault to download the files. Visit our Info Page for links. If you see any entries on the list below without a preview, feel free to Google the item in question.
Badges | The Strongest Battlegrounds Rblx Wiki | Fandom
Badges are a feature in The Strongest Battlegrounds that can be obtained through completing certain tasks. Some can give special cosmetics, others don't have any purpose in game. Accumulate 1 total kill. Accumulate 10 total kills. Get 10 kills. (Kill 10 people or farm with the same person in the game) Accumulate 100 total kills. Get 100 kills.
UGC/The Strongest Egg | The Strongest Battlegrounds Rblx Wiki
You need to get 11 keys in order to open the vault that contains The Strongest Egg. These keys can be obtained by the Player NPCs. If there are no copies of The Strongest Egg on sale you will not be able to obtain it.
The Strongest Battlegrounds: How to get Era Clash & Keys in The …
2024年3月16日 · The secret vault has been spawned in the game and requires a total of 11 keys to unlock it. The primary way is by grinding for several hours until the NPC drops the key. This process is extremely random and doesn’t work most of the time. Follow the below tricks to collect keys as much as possible in most easy and effortless way.
The Hunt | The Strongest Battlegrounds Rblx Wiki | Fandom
Fight back and collect their mysterious keys to unlock the vault holding an egg of untold power!". Every two to three minutes or so, there will be a wave of enemy NPCs in the form of old Roblox players from years ago, called the "outsiders". If you do enough damage to these NPCs, you will obtain a key after they are defeated.
How to get Strongest Battlegrounds egg and badge in Roblox
2024年3月16日 · In order to get the Era Clash badge during Roblox , you need to play Strongest Battlegrounds and acquire the Strongest Egg in your inventory. To do so, you’ll need to collect 11 keys and unlock an...
Roblox Studio | TSB The Hunt event (Vault) Showcase - YouTube
2024年10月24日 · credits to @yey_op
The Hunt: First Edition | Roblox Wiki | Fandom
March 15, 2024 - March 30, 2024. This Hunt will take you into the Infinite Vault, where you'll find futuristic treasures collected through Roblox space and time. In the Infinite Vault what’s old is new, and new is old. Have you traveled forwards or backwards in time? Which way you go does not matter — only how many treasures you gather.
TSB The Hunt Information and key animations (the vault included)
this is about the hunt and stuffgame: the strongest battlegroundsmusic: LAKEY INSPIRED, City of Angels#gaming #thestrongestbattlegrounds #tsb #video #viral #...
Vault opening animation (Roblox TSB The Hunt Event) - YouTube
2024年3月16日 · This is a video I took of me getting the final key and opening the vault in TSB.