TSM - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
2023年2月10日 · TSM (also known as TSM FTX) (formerly known as Team SoloMid) is an American esports organization, created around the community website SoloMid.Net by brothers Andy "Reginald" Dinh and Dan "Dan Dinh" Dinh in September 2009.
MP5 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
游戏内的mp5型号为mp5a5。是在shot show 2014上推出的沙黄色现代化改进型,其护木装有三面导轨座,机匣顶部加装了附加导轨座,以及来自mp5f型的加厚橡胶底板枪托。 琐事. 作为游戏中枪管最长、最正常的一把mp5 ,它却有着游戏內3把mp5中最低的单发伤害。 导航
MP5 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The MP5 is a submachine gun manufactured by Heckler and Koch that chambers the 9x19mm Parabellum round. The MP5 is one of the most widely used submachine guns in the world. Although the original MP5 itself does not appear in the Rainbow Six universe, there are several variants of the gun that do:
MP5 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
The MP5 is a German submachine gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by Doc, Rook & Melusi.
Who uses MP7 r6? – Gaming FAQ - NCESC
2024年6月22日 · Is the MP7 good in r6? The weapon is extremely good at close quarters combat, due to its high rate of fire and relatively low recoil. Who has MP5 in r6? The MP5 is a German submachine gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by Doc, Rook and Melusi. What is the fastest SMG in r6? Overview.
MP5SD 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
MP5SD用普通弹的初速为285米/秒,枪口动能为380焦耳,膛口噪声约70分贝左右,不过有效射程也比较低,为135米。 和其他MP5所用的外接式消声器不同,MP5SD的消声器采用了不分解的结构,据HK公司的产品说明,积存在消声器内的碳残渣会随着继续发射的火药燃气从前端喷出,因而无需卸下清洗。 早期的MP5SD的消声器无加护木地暴露出来,当持续发射时,高温的燃气在消声器内扩散致使消声器发热而烫手。 1977年出现了改良型的MP5SD,在消声器后半部包上橡皮套 …
Welcome to the official TSM Rainbow Six Siege Channel! That's right, the Best R6 esports team in the NATION wanted to go BIG by bringing you MORE TSM R6 CONTENT that you won't get anywhere...
MP5 | 彩虹六號:圍攻行動 Wiki | Fandom
是MP5的衍生型號、裝有前握把,因為短小的特性而易於室內作戰,使用9×19公釐手槍彈. 在「虹彩六號:圍攻行動」中,此槍以MLI 型號出現,命名為「MP5」,裝上伸縮式槍托、以及三連發射擊模式。 在「虹彩六號:圍攻行動」中,此槍以PDW型號(個人防衛武器)出現,裝上折疊式槍托、以及三連發射擊模式。 在「赤鴉行動」中,此槍以SD型號(消音器型號)出現,使用固定槍托。 社区内容除另有注明外,均在 CC-BY-SA 许可协议下提供。 此枪曾于虹彩六号前代登 …
TSM: Played Matches - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
TSM: Played Matches. From Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki < TSM. Overview; Results; Played Matches; Awards; Head to Head; For matches between Jun 18, 2019 and Jan 22, 2023: 106W : 4D : 70L (60%) in matches and 175W : 111L (61.19%) in games. Date Tier Tournament Participant Score vs. Opponent VOD(s)
TSM to leave Rainbow Six Siege less than a year after winning SI …
2023年2月9日 · While TSM’s potential R6 exit is not great news, it’s less to do with the state of Rainbow Six Siege and more to do with TSM. A roster that failed to produce results and a clear shift in management’s appetite for Rainbow Six Siege, …
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