带库更换Drive后的处理步骤? - 问答 - twt企业IT交流平台
2020年4月29日 · IBM的带库,今天更换了一个坏了的drive,想请教各位大神在TSM的server端如何操作认到这个新的drive,保证备份任务的正常。TSM Server的系统为RHEL7,FC连接带库,请各位大神指教!谢谢
Drive Status "Unknown" - ADSM.ORG
2004年5月14日 · I believe that the drive stays in an UNKNOWN state until tape is mounted in it. Have you been seen TSM even try attempting a mount to the drive? If so are there mount errors? I have seen this when the robot was unable to successfully mount a …
tsm 定义dr unknown问题处理 - CSDN博客
本文解决了一个在IBM TSM服务器中定义新驱动时遇到的问题,即出现未知驱动名称的情况。 通过删除所有定义、执行特定命令并重新定义,成功解决了驱动未知的问题,并更新了驱动状态。 系统:aix6.1. 硬件:p720. 此tsmserver上之前已经管理3584,我现在添加一台3310. tsm: TSM>define path tsm3310drive00 srctype=server desttype=drive library=3310LIB device=/dev/rmt38online=yes.
求教tsm中drive state 为unknown如何更改. - 存储备份-Chinaunix
2004年8月24日 · 现有IBM 3494带库设备, 使用两3590h磁带驱动器, 其中一个使用TSM无法读写, 在tsm中使用命令query dirve f=d 查看, drive state为unknown, 只得将该dirve在tsm中删除, 重新定义drive 及path, 将3494, tsm重启, 状态才正常.
Drive State showing as unknown - ADSM.ORG
2009年6月26日 · TSM 5500 have bug that drives going to unknown state can't bring online without reboot of TSM. You can try to move a tape into the "unknown" drive! What i meant was: try to use the "move data xxx" command, to see what happend. Restarted TSM...drive state is empty as it should be..thanks for the help. You must log in or register to reply here.
Why does my tooltip show 'unknown' for Auctions?
2021年8月29日 · This message is displayed in two scenarios. 1. You do not have your TSM Desktop A...
TSM 5.2 驱动器状态未知 - 问答 - twt企业IT交流平台
rmt1 工作正常,而rmt5 与 rmt6 始终是unknown, 在系统下删除过带库驱动器,在tsm 里重新定义过驱动器,始终是这个状态,怀疑过驱动器损坏,但是去东西的wwn 等信息还可以被正常发现,同时坏两个一样驱动器虽然有几率,但是也不大,,,,哪位高人遇到过 解答 ...
Re: Drive state is "UNKNOWN" (SOLVED) - ADSM.ORG
Any drive taken off-line then brought on-line will have a state of unknown. As long as the path is on-line TSM will use the drive. As soon as TSM uses. the drive the state will change to something other than unknown. Have you tried to re-define the path of the tape drive ¿? A couple of days ago, we had a bad tape in one of our drives.
急请教高手TSM的Drive State: UNKNOWN - 问答 - twt企业IT交流 …
tsm: XHX>delete path XHX DRIVE01 srctype=server desttype=drive ANR2022E DELETE PATH: One or more parameters are missing. ANS8001I Return code 3. 我的环境安装带win2003上,但是什么都不让我改动。想知道怎样通过命令能够更改。着急~~~ 谢谢~~
当q drive 显示结果中Device Type为unknown时,怎么处理? …
2017年7月14日 · tsm:ZHFX01>q drive 查看驱动器状态,结果Device Type显示unknown, 此时可以退出tsm,在系统下运行# cfgmgr 重新发现设备并进行配置,