Fertilizers - OCP Group
OCP produces binary fertilizers Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP), and full phosphate blend Triple Super Phosphate (TSP). MAP, TSP and DAP fertilizers can all be used directly or in blended, customized solutions.
Engrais | Groupe OCP
OCP produit des engrais binaires Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) et Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP), ainsi qu’un mélange de phosphate complet Triple Super Phosphate (TSP). Les engrais MAP, TSP et DAP peuvent tous être utilisés directement ou mélangés pour l'élaboration de formules adaptées.
Le TSP est un engrais phosphaté concentré. Il peut être directement appliqué pour la fertilisation des sols ou utilisé comme matière première pour le blend.
Home - OCP North America
DuraPHOS ™ Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) is a nitrogen-free fertilizer platform that is the foundation for a proactive soil nutrition strategy. It is the most economical, environmentally conscious and agronomically appropriate choice for fall application, with no risk of nitrogen runoff, leaching or denitrification.
DuraPHOS 0-46-0 - OCP North America - ocpna.com
DuraPHOS ™ Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) is a nitrogen-free fertilizer platform that is the foundation for a proactive soil nutrition strategy. It is the most economical, environmentally conscious and agronomically appropriate choice for fall application, with no risk of nitrogen runoff, leaching, volatilization or denitrification.
Phosphate Fertilizers - OCP North America - ocpna.com
DuraPHOS ™ Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) provides the most economical, environmentally conscious and agronomically appropriate soil productivity solution for fall application. DuraPHOS has demonstrated yield results equivalent to traditional ammoniated phosphate fertilizers in rigorous comparisons, but without the nitrogen runoff, leaching ...
Triple Super Phosphate - Nutricrops OCP
Triple Super Phosphate, more commonly known as TSP, is a preferred source of phosphorus in many agricultural regions around the world and has several benefits. It has the highest phosphorus content among straight phosphate fertilizers, which allows greater flexibility to meet specific phosphorus needs and to differentiate intakes according to ...
A critical analysis of the TSP production chain was initiated in the Maroc Chimie division, OCP-Safi, its objective is to increase the overall performance of the cropping systems by providing a balanced P fertilization which gives an optimal economic return.
Standard fertilizers - OCP Group
With the highest phosphate content of any granular fertilizer without nitrogen, Triple super phosphate (TSP) dissolves rapidly to help plants thrive quickly, especially if they have high sulphur needs. It has a pH of 3 and is comprised of 46% phosphorus.
TSP - ocp group - NP / granular / ground application - AgriExpo
Find out all of the information about the ocp group product: mineral fertilizer TSP. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.