Sims 3 64-bit: problems installing store/custom content - EA …
Move the entire Sims 3 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, open the launcher to spawn a clean folder, and download one item. See whether the game works and the item loads, and if it does, you can start installing more store content in small batches, no more than about six items at a time.
Re: how do I use TSR Workshop I have sims 3 and do not have …
Hi there ! You might want to try the forums over on the site where you got the TSR Workshop, as they can provide better support for their own work there, and are generally pretty helpful. This forum is specifically geared for questions/problems with the Sims 3 …
TSR Workshop multiplier missing - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
I'm new to creating sims custom content. When I open a shirt in TSR Workshop to edit it, under Textures tab there is no multiplier.
Jak zmienic jezyk sims 3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hej, mam Sims 3 i Sims 3 Zwierzaki, obie orginalne POLSKIE wersje, jednak że po zainstalowaniu na laptopie (MAC) mimo ze ustawiam jezyk polski gra jest po angielsku.. prosze o pomoc
Jak zmienić język w Te ims 3? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Na moim laptopie grałam przez Origin w The Sims 3, wszystkie dodatki były po angielsku jak również cała gra. Teraz pobrałam na nowo na nowym komputerze i wszystko ma język polski. Jak zmienić język na angielski?
is it okay to download items from TSR? - EA Answers HQ
Hey guys! I have the original game of the Sims 3 with lots of expansion packs and I would like to download items from TSR but I don't know if it does any harm to the original game. Can you inform me about it? Should I download it or not? Thanks a lot.
Re: TSR Manager - Transfer - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi! I just got a new computer and would really love the ability to import all of my previously downloaded CC from TSR manager. I can locate all of the files on my new computer but when I go to the TSR manager and attempt to import files, I choose the file everything is in and it's completely empty even though it's
CC with TSR Manager & Manual Download - Answer HQ - EA …
Okay so for a million years I manually downloaded my CC and would just click and drag my .package files into the Mods folder in order to play with CC. Then, I discovered TSR Manager and its organizational glory. I spent a lifetime deleting and redownloading all my TSR CC with the TSR Manager. Recent...
Re: Game won't launch - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Try uninstalling the TSR CC Manager program. Then try starting the game to see if it will launch. If that doesn't work, then reset your user folder by renaming The Sims 4 folder to something else. Then start the game. A new user folder will be created automatically by the game. Then copy y...
Rozwiązano: the sims 3 store Światy - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Dzień dobry chciałbym spytać jak mam poprawnie pobrać a następnie zainstalować światy ze store . Pytam , bo już od kilku godzin usiłuję pobrać i zainstalować 6 nowych miast , ale nic z tego nie wychodzi dlatego bardzo proszę o pomoc i wsparcie .