BAC TSR-2 - Wikipedia
The British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 is a cancelled Cold War strike and reconnaissance aircraft developed by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC), for the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Britain’s High-Mach Heartbreak | Smithsonian
The British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 was to have been a supersonic bomber that would have dashed in under the Soviet Union’s radar to deliver nuclear weapons.
TSR-2轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英国航太TSR-2 是一个由 英国航太 于1960年代初期发起的不幸开发计画。 在计画当时,是世界上最先进的作战机种,拥有两倍音速的最大速度与西方第五代战斗机方才普及的超音速巡航能力。 其原型机之推力与 SR-71 大致相同,然因其重量远较后者为轻,故其能量补充较后者更为快速。 但是该项目最终被取消,以为F-111系列进入市场让路。 所有现代飞机都有四项诸元:长、宽、高与政策,而TSR-2刚好做对了前三项! 50年代, 英国 皇家空军 开始注意 坎培拉轰炸机 已不符 …
TSR-2轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BAC TSR-2 Tactical Strike / Reconnaissance / Bomber Aircraft
2021年8月1日 · Along the same lines as the prototype North American XB-70 Valkyrie strategic bomber of the United States Air Force, the BAC TSR-2 was to be England's "super" Cold War tactical strike and reconnaissance bomber (the "TSR" in the formal designation equates to "Tactical Strike / Reconnaissance").
TSR2 - Britain's Lost Bomber by Damien Burke
More than 59 years after its cancellation, the BAC TSR2 is still a controversial aircraft. Supposedly years ahead of its time, it was abruptly cancelled by a new government when flight testing had only just begun.
BAC TSR-2 - BAE Systems
The British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) TSR-2 was a cancelled Cold War tactical strike and reconnaissance aircraft developed for the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The programme influenced the direction of the British aircraft industry and many of its design and technological breakthroughs could be seen in subsequent ...
Profile - The BAC TSR.2 - ausairpower.net
The TSR.2 has been described as aerodynamically a Mach 3 aircraft, built with materials to a Mach 2+ specification. A nominal mission profile for the TSR.2 would involve an afterburning takeoff and 5,000 ft/min climb to 23,000 ft, followed by a Mach 0.92 dry cruise climb to 26,000 ft.
The brilliant British bomber that never was: BAC TSR-2
Liam Shaw takes a detailed look at the aircraft that never was, the BAC TSR-2 In 1951, Britain introduced the English Electric Canberra. Designed to operate at high level, it would go onto become the RAF's longest serving machine.
BAC TSR.2 - AirVectors
The TSR.2 was a big aircraft, over 6 meters (20 feet) longer than an Avro Lancaster bomber, and about twice as heavy. The aircraft featured pilot and navigator seated in tandem under clamshell canopies; a high-mounted swept wing; a conventional tail assembly; and twin Bristol Siddeley Olympus 22R Mark 320 afterburning turbojets.