Apex Ammo TSS/Steel Waterfowl Loads - Duck Hunting Forum
2017年9月22日 · Apex Ammo is now making a Waterfowl load. These shells will contain 1/4oz to1/2oz of 18.1g/cc #9 TSS with 1oz to 1&1/4oz of Zinc Coated steel shot in either...
TSS Factory Loads - Duck Hunting Forum
2017年5月29日 · With TSS there is no need in 1 1/4 oz for shooting ducks or large geese. 1/2 to 3/4 oz load are more than enough. The advantage of TSS, is the use of a smaller shot, and a lighter payload. A 3/4 oz load of #7.5 TSS (165 pellets) @ 1300 fps, has more pellets, and downrange energy, than a 1 1/4 oz load of #2 steel (156 pellets) at 1400 fps.
Tungsten and old guns - Duck Hunting Forum
2013年7月18日 · That along with the cost of TSS will keep if from being used by over 99% of hunters. The cost of shot and ammo in general is relative and generally specific to the particular species being hunted, for instance with the Turkey hunting fraternity TSS is very popular and to some extent TSS has found a new home for people shooting the smaller gauges.
Disappointing day with TSS 4 shot | Duck Hunting Forum
2019年2月1日 · The 17.9 yards more penetration you get from going from TSS #4 shot to TSS #3 shot is a big jump in penetration. Having 90 pellets or more in a coyote load really seems to help also. I have had great results with 1-1/2 oz of Federal Heavyweight #2 shot with 90 pellets per shell and with 1-1/2 oz of TSS #3 shot with right at 100 pellets per shell.
Migra Ammo - Duck Hunting Forum
2020年9月8日 · Migra Ammo Jump to Latest 3.9K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by bullet225ho Sep 9, 2020
20 ga TSS waterfowl patterns - Duck Hunting Forum
2018年9月6日 · For a 20 ga shooting ducks with TSS shot I think I would go with a 3/4 oz load. With 3/4 oz of TSS #8 shot you will have right at 188 pellets per shell. The TSS #7 shot with 3/4 oz will have right at 137 pellets per shell. TSS #9 shot at 1300 fps gets 1.50" of gel penetration at 68.5 yards, with about 268 pellets in 3/4 oz.
20 Gauge Loads - Duck Hunting Forum
2023年10月20日 · I know the bismuth of today is good stuff and TSS takes performance to all new level, but I'm still using steel shot. I made a quick solo trip to NE Colorado the other day...I ended the morning with 3 snow geese, 1 ross's goose, 3 green winged teal and a gadwall with my 20 gauge with factory IC choke using cheap Rio 2.75" 7/8 steel 4 shot ...
TSS at a lower price point?? | Duck Hunting Forum
2017年4月7日 · I don't think that TSS shot for $35.00 per pound will get very many more re-loaders to try it. Some turkey hunters may make the switch to TSS but I don't think it would be a big jump in total sales because turkey hunters don't shoot that much shot per year.
Apex 12 gauge WS3 3" 11/4 oz #4 Steel/#9 TSS Loads
2018年11月24日 · These loads have 1/4 oz of TSS #9 shot with 1 oz of steel shot. There should be about 279 total pellets in that steel #4 shot "190 pellets" and TSS #9 shot "89 pellets" load. The TSS #9 shot gets 1.50" of penetration at about 72 yards and the steel #4 shot gets 1.50" of gel penetration at 29.7 yards.
Favorite 410 3" TSS or TSS/DUPLEX Duck Loads?
2024年3月3日 · In 28ga for ducks, my most common loads are TSS #9s with HW12 #6s or TSS #9s with STEEL #3s. The TSS/HW12 load being 3 inch 1.25 oz using 300MP and the TSS, the 2 3/4 inch load being 1oz and using TSS/STEEL with Lil Gun. Both loads pattern well and are quite effective on Ducks. I use both of the loads around 1250fps And have had them pressure ...