Audi TT RS-R Is A Mean-Looking 500-Horsepower Baby R8
2017年7月27日 · Meet the TT RS-R. A hardcore special edition limited to 50 units for the coupe and another 50 for the roadster. Both body styles share a heavily upgraded version of the five-cylinder,...
Used Audi TT RS for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus
Yes, the Audi TT RS is a very fast car. It can accelerate from 0 to 62 miles per hour in just 3.9 seconds. The standard top speed is 155 mph, but with an optional package, this can be increased to 173 mph. These performance figures make the TT RS one of the quickest cars in its segment, providing an exhilarating driving experience.
2022 Audi TT RS Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
As one of Audi's most outrageous models, the 2022 TT RS delivers sports car handling, muscle-car performance, and a high-end look and feel. Unlike rivals that use turbocharged four-cylinder ...
Used Audi TT RS for Sale Near Me - Edmunds
Save up to $4,904 on one of 50 used Audi TT RSs near you. Find your perfect car with Edmunds expert reviews, car comparisons, and pricing tools.
Used Audi TT RS for Sale Near Me - Autotrader
Test drive Used Audi TT RS at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 46 Used Audi TT RS cars for sale, including a 2012 Audi TT RS, a 2013 Audi TT RS, and a 2018 Audi TT RS ranging in price from $32,990 to $79,998.
TT RS Coupé > TT > Audi Taiwan
Audi TT RS Coupé 搭載 2.5 升直列 5 缸渦輪增壓引擎,依循著 1-2-4-5-3 的點火順序,分別依次引燃鄰近和相對汽缸,催動無與倫比的絕美聲浪。 Audi TT RS Coupé 標配專屬調校的 S-tronic 7 速雙離合器變速箱與 quattro 智慧型恆時四輪傳動系統,讓您在任何情境下皆能發揮頂尖表現,使駕駛體驗臻至完美。 專屬的 OLED 後尾燈組替 Audi TT RS Coupé 車尾增添迷人光線;只要啟動車輛,4 組輕薄發光元件將完整展示燈光動態。 搭載極線 LED 識別燈及 Matrix 矩陣式 LED 極 …
The Audi TT | Audi USA
The TT RS. The TT RS reintroduced the 2.5-liter turbocharged 5-cylinder engine, a nod to Audi’s motorsport heritage. With its upgraded suspension and brakes, copious power, and signature Audi RS styling, it rightfully earns the RS designation.
限量500匹雙雄將來臺,ABT TT RS-R與RS 4+國內各3輛配額 | U …
Audi 在 2016 北京車展中,首度亮相了 TT 車系性能最強悍的車款:TT RS,新車搭載了全新的 2.5 升直列 5 缸汽油渦輪引擎,可發揮最大 400 匹馬力、最大扭力則是 49 公斤米。 搭配 7 速 S Tronic 雙離合器自手排變速箱,從靜止加速到時速 100 公里僅需 3.7 秒,最高速則被限制在每小時 250 公里。 而在原廠高性能基礎之上,ABT Sportline 則是於 2017 日內瓦車展上帶來 ABT TT RS-R。
2021 Audi TT RS - Specs, Prices, MPG, Reviews & Photos - Cars.com
Research the 2021 Audi TT RS at Cars.com and find specs, pricing, MPG, safety data, photos, videos, reviews and local inventory.
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