LT vz. 34 - Wikipedia
The LT vz. 34, formally designated as Lehký tank vzor 34 ("Light Tank Mark 34") was a Czechoslovak-designed light tank used mainly by Slovakia during World War II. Its suspension was based on that of the Carden-Loyd tankette, of which the Czechs had purchased three, plus a manufacturing license, in 1930.
LT vz.34 light tank
The LT vz.34 was a 1934 Czech light tank intended to replace the previous tankettes. However, it was slow, weakly protected and had a one-man turret.
LT vz. 34 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The LT vz. 34, formally designated as Lehký - Light, Tank vzor - Model 34 was a Czechoslovak-designed light tank used mainly by Slovakia during World War II. Its suspension was based on that of the Carden-Loyd tankette, of which the Czechs had purchased three, plus a manufacturing license, in 1930.
捷克斯洛伐克轻型坦克“LT vz.34”型号为1934年
2012年7月6日 · 二战期间,德国军队使用了 2 辆 LT vz.23 轻型坦克;34 年,斯洛伐克在反抗德国占领者的武装起义中使用了 1944 辆轻型坦克,期间有 27 辆坦克被德国人俘获。
Ostrý útočný granát vzor 34 | Vojenský historický ústav (VHÚ)
2024年3月14日 · Ostrý útočný granát vz. 34 bol granát s nárazovým zapaľovačom. Skladal sa zo štyroch hlavných častí: z tela granátu, zapaľovača, náplne a poistiek. Telo granátu bolo valcovitého tvaru, ktoré sa vyrábalo z lisovaného plechu. Pozostávalo z plášťa a veka, ktoré sa do seba skrutkovali a proti uvoľneniu boli poistené zaisťovacím perom.
Lehký tank LT vz.34 – Druhá světová válka – druhasvetova.com
Tank s novým armádním označením LT vz. 34R měl díky většímu výkonu motoru vyšší rychlost a větší dojezd, méně se opotřebovávaly spojky a tank neshazoval tak snadno pásy v terénu. Na základě výborných výsledků zkoušek bylo doporučeno přestavět všech padesát tanků LT vz. 34 na tento nový standard.
LEHKÝ TANK VZOR.34 - Quartermaster Section
The LT Vz.34 (Lehký Tank Vzor 34) was a light tank designed by the Czech firm ČKD. It mounted a 37mm gun in a fully revolving turret plus two machine guns. It was thinly armoured, which was a cause for concern as this only gave protection against small arms and shell splinters.
LT vz. 34 Light Tank - Military Factory
2016年7月18日 · 1 x Praga 4-cylinder, water-cooled gasoline engine developing 62.5 horsepower. The physical qualities of the LT vz. 34 Light Tank. Available supported armament, ammunition, and special-mission equipment featured in the design of the LT vz. 34 Light Tank. Notable series variants as part of the LT vz. 34 family line.
LT vz. 34 - Wikiwand / articles
The LT vz. 34, formally designated as Lehký tank vzor 34 was a Czechoslovak-designed light tank used mainly by Slovakia during World War II. Its suspension was based on that of the Carden-Loyd tankette, of which the Czechs had purchased three, plus a manufacturing license, in 1930.
LT vz. 34 - NamuWiki
2024年7月17日 · Czechoslovak light tank . This tank was later used by the First Republic of Slovakia after independence from Czechoslovakia. Many parts, including the suspension, were based on the British Carden-Lloyd Tanket . The Vz.33 tankette , which was licensed and produced in 1930, was made by lightening the hull and mounting an armed turret. 3. Detail.