The differences between TPLO, TTA and MMP cranial cruciate …
MMP is described as being a faster technique to use than the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) and is considered an advancement on the TTA procedure. The surgery requires a cut to be made in the front aspect of the tibial tuberosity allowing the patella tendon to move forward and a wedge shaped porous titanium insert is placed in the resected ...
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) and Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP)
TTA stands for Tibial Tuberosity Advancement, and is a technique with the same principle as a Macquet procedure. This is a surgical procedure which involves advancing the tibial tuberosity: the point of the shin bone (tibia) where the patella tendon attaches.
MMP OrthoFoam™ | Canine Cruciate Repair System | Orthomed
Designed as an evolution of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA), MMP has proven itself to be a much simpler & more cost-effective procedure that has excellent outcomes. More than 75% of dogs will return to previous levels of unrestricted athletic activity and function.
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement Techniques (TTAT): A Systematic …
Graphic illustrations of TTAT included: (A) modified Maquet technique (MMT), (B) TTA rapid, (C) modified Maquet procedure (MMP), (D) modified Maquet tibial tuberosity advancement (mTTA), (E) tibial tuberosity advancement with cranial fixation (TTA-CF) and (F) porous TTA (designed by Claudio Palumbo).
TTA Rapid - Covetrus
Surgeons currently employing the TTA, MMT or MMP techniques will find switching relatively easy by studying the available step by step guides and viewing the surgical video. Surgeons unfamiliar with Tibial plateau modifying techniques are advised to attend one of …
Modified Maquet Procedure - Animal Works - Veterinary Surgery
The MMP TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) is a surgery used to improve mobility for dogs with a torn cranial cruciate ligament. It is an improvement on a previous technique, and has been around for over a decade. It’s a rival to the TPLO technique, which was first introduced to the United States in the 1980’s.
MMP - Infiniti Medical
MMP represents the world’s most advanced Canine Cruciate Repair System. Designed as an evolution of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA), MMP has proven itself to be both simpler and more cost-effective while producing excellent outcomes.
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) | VCA Animal Hospitals
What is an MMP? MMP stands for Modified Maquet Procedure, one of several variations of the TTA procedure. Instead of placing an orthopedic spacer in the front part of the tibia, a porous titanium implant is used that provides support to the cut bone when the dog bears weight. Is TTA better than other types of CCL surgeries?
MMP | OrthoFoam™ Veterinary Orthopaedic Instruments
MMP is the worlds most innovative & advanced Canine Cruciate Repair System. Using a unique biocompatible titanium wedge, the MMP is a revolution of the TTA procedure for canine cruciate disease. It simplifies the surgical technique, shortens …
Maquet Procedure | Indian Ridge Animal Hospital | Kingsport
The Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP) is a minimally invasive, simplified version of TTA surgery. When you bring your dog to Indian Ridge Animal Hospital, Dr. Mears will consider the patient’s unique situation before recommending a course of treatment.