Download | Latest - OpenTTD
Additional graphics, sound, and music sets can be downloaded via the in-game content download manager. For integration with Social Platforms, you have to manually download and install the plugin of the platform (only available on OpenTTD 14.0 and later):
OpenTTD | Home
Here’s a shiny new package for you to unwrap, containing the first beta version of the upcoming OpenTTD 15 release. It comes faster, with road waypoints, fewer passwords, better scenario editor, and hopefully with a lot less bugs. To be a bit less vague, here are some of the highlights:
OpenTTD | 安装
从1.0.0版本开始,OpenTTD的安装过程已经相当简化——游戏与图形都已完全开源,且所有必要文件都已包括在安装包内。 下载最新版本的OpenTTD,请 点击这里。 但是,在安装开始前,您还需要额外获取游戏的 基本图形。 目前有两组基本图形可供玩家使用: 开源 的 OpenGFX (en) 基本图形。 从 运输大亨 (TTD)光盘中加载的原版基本图形。 与OpenTTD不同,TTD 不是 一款免费的游戏。 (如果您已经拥有原版运输大亨的基本图形,不知道该选择哪套基本图形,那么您可 …
OpenTTD Manager 1.1.0 - Andrés Zsögön
2014年12月6日 · OpenTTD Manager is a freeware program for Windows that allows installing and updating your OpenTTD version fast and easily.
OpenTTD/OpenTTD - GitHub
OpenTTD can be downloaded from the official OpenTTD website. Both 'stable' and 'nightly' versions are available for download: OpenTTD is also available for free on Steam, GOG.com, and the Microsoft Store. On some platforms OpenTTD will be available via your OS package manager or a similar service.
Installation - OpenTTD
Since version 1.0.0 of OpenTTD, installation is simplified significantly and the game is completely open source (including both the game and graphics); everything is included in the installer. To download the latest version of OpenTTD click here. Installation can be a little complicated, as the Base graphics are not distributed with the game.
OpenTTD on Steam
OpenTTD is a business simulation game in which players earn money by transporting passengers and cargo via road, rail, water, and air. It is an open-source remake and expansion of the 1995 Chris Sawyer video game Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
Releases · OpenTTD/OpenTTD - GitHub
Update: New title game for 14.0 Fix #12477: Crash when launching OpenTTD from within a Dropbox folder Fix #12233: Mini order list overlaps vehicle group name Fix #12114: Viewport coords of crashed aircraft not updated when falling Fix #12395: Ensure president name widget is tall enough Fix #12415: Incorrect payment for aircraft secondary cargo ()
OpenTTD | OpenTTD Updaters
2007年9月6日 · OpenTTD Manager is a simple and clear multi-language tool for Windows that allows the user to update and change OpenTTD versions easily. Features: To submit a translation for OpenTTD Manager, go to Options > Settings and click the plus sign. For more information and download, visit the OpenTTD Manager website. Features:
Owen's Transport Tycoon Station
The Transport Tycoon Station is home to a number of Transport Tycoon utilities, including the Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager, TTDAlter and TTDX Editor. In addition, there are a number of other downloads, such as a variety of saved games and …