Python 3+ Tkinter Center Label Text - Stack Overflow
The default for a ttk label is to be aligned left, but the tkinter label is aligned center, and the order of your imports means that you're using a ttk Label. The quick fix for your example is to explicitly set the anchor option for the ttk label (eg: label.configure(anchor="center")).
Create resizable/multiline Tkinter/ttk Labels with word wrap
2016年5月11日 · The ttk.Label instead has a wraplength= property which determines how many pixels until the words wrap. You should also use its anchor= and justify= properties to customize it to your exact desires. With these properties you can …
How do I clear the text in a Label with tkinter?
2021年8月6日 · label_instance.config(text='') or label_instance['text'] = '' and you don't need to create a label each time, you are fine if you just have one label also: I strongly advise against using wildcard (*) when importing something, You should either import what You need, e.g. from module import Class1, func_1, var_2 and so on or import the whole module: import module then You can also use an alias ...
python - Changing ttk widget text color - Stack Overflow
To create a custom style, first get an instance of ttk.Style, and then use the configure method to derive a new style from an existing one. The following example creates a new style named "Red.TCheckbutton":
python 3.x - ttk.Label to show variable - Stack Overflow
2013年7月24日 · Another solution without a StringVar is just storing a reference to the Label widget and use its config method to change the text option. Apart from this, I recommend you to use os.path.join instead of fName=path+'/'+fn , and use another name for the variable dir , since it is already a built-in function :
python - Label width in tkinter - Stack Overflow
2015年8月13日 · height and width define the size of the label in text units when it contains text. Follow @Elchonon Edelson's advice and set size of frame + one small trick:
python - Make a Label Bold Tkinter - Stack Overflow
2018年4月20日 · How do I make a Label in Tkinter Bold ? This is my code labelPryProt=Label(frame1,text="TEXTTEXT ...
In python's tkinter, how can I make a Label such that you can …
2009年10月21日 · The easiest way is to use a disabled text widget with a height of 1 line: from Tkinter import * master = Tk() w = Text(master, height=1, borderwidth=0) w.insert(1.0, "Hello, world!") w.pack() w.configure(state="disabled") # if tkinter is 8.5 or above you'll want the selection background # to appear like it does when the widget is activated # comment this out for older versions of Tkinter w ...
What is the difference between the widgets of tkinter and …
But it looks a bit outdated. Tkinter Ttk widgets are similar to that of Tkinter. It is basically a sub-module of Tkinter. So, in Tkinter Ttk, almost many widgets are the same but to use them is different. Tkinter Ttk widgets are more customizable and a lot of windows programs are done and designed using Tkinter
python - How to get the Tkinter Label text? - Stack Overflow
2011年5月24日 · Im making a list of addresses that the user will select from, and the address text will be returned. I need to use Tkinter.Label because the Tkinter.Listbox will not allow for newlines. The kicke...