True Triple Katana | Blox Fruits Wiki | Fandom
To obtain the True Triple Katana, the player needs to get 300 Mastery on Saishi, Shizu, and Oroshi. Then, they have to buy it from the Mysterious Man for 2,000,000. The player will not lose any of the previously bought Legendary swords after purchase of the True Triple Katana.
True Triple Katana (Combos) | Blox Fruits Wiki | Fandom
This Combo utilizes Fruits stats, With strong Grip on TTK. (To replace strong grip on TTK you could actually hit the x move on portal, or use a v3 ability to get similar damage to the gif) Combo
True Triple Katana in Blox Fruits |Guide, Combos[UPDATE 20.1]⭐
The True Triple Katana (TTK) is not just about power; it’s about finesse. Combining its moves, like the Wolf Fang Rush and Dragon Hurricane, can create devastating combos. These combinations allow for a fluid combat experience, where players can chain attacks, stunning and launching enemies into the air.
Destroying PLAYERS With The BEST TTK Combo... (Blox Fruits)
2023年12月1日 · True Triple Katana Is a must USE REWORKED Sword in BLOX FRUITS..! ALSO make sure to like & sub for more videos + watch the entire video! #bloxfruits #roblox ...
Instinct/Break | Blox Fruits Wiki | Fandom
Instinct breaking is the act of forcing someone out of their Instinct state. This can be achieved by attacking with specific moves. Most Instinct breaking skills also break objects like trees. Instinct breaking is distinguished from wearing out Instinct dodges as Instinct Breaking instantly sends the players out of the Instinct state.
The Top 10 Best Swords in Blox Fruits: Complete Guide
2024年12月18日 · Some might even consider the CDK better than the TTK because it's a little easier to get, and you can upgrade it. The CDK does a lot of damage, and all of its moves are multi-target, which makes it great for grinding and PvP. [2]
FULL GUIDE Fastest Method To Get TRUE TRIPLE KATANA In Blox Fruits! Game : https://www.roblox.com Join Discord : / discord My Profile : https://www.roblox.com/users/13665459... Outro Music : Kimi...
TTK Rework Showcase and Damage | Blox Fruits Update 20
This is the TTK rework!
ttk不是问题,主要是攻防收益差距太大了,三四颗子弹就能秒同级甲谁受得了。 甲的维护套件成本也不低,照我说要么改同级减伤,要么同级不能穿甲,要么子弹不能放裤裆等等,反正以后有的改
ttk - 百度百科
Time To Kill的首字母缩写,常见于fps游戏中,意味着击杀所需的时间。 2. 在射击游戏中,如《战地》系列,TTK是一个关键指标,它决定了从开枪到敌人被击杀所需的时间。 3. TTK的长度直接影响游戏节奏和玩家体验。 短TTK意味着快速击杀,游戏节奏紧凑;长TTK则可能导致游戏感觉拖沓,影响玩家的参与感和兴奋度。 4. 游戏中的不同武器和环境可能具有不同的TTK。 例如,《战地》系列中,高射速低伤害的武器通常具有较短的TTK,而低射速高伤害的武器则具有较长 …
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