High Quality Targeted Temperature Management (TTM) After …
2020年1月6日 · Targeted temperature management (TTM) is a complex intervention used with the aim of minimizing post-anoxic injury and improving neurological outcome after cardiac arrest. There is large variability in the devices used to achieve cooling and in protocols (e.g., for induction, target temperature, maintenance, rewarming, sedation, management of post-TTM fever). This variability can explain the ...
Targeted temperature management and cardiac arrest after the …
2021年8月4日 · A third interpretation could be the limited applicability in common practice. The TTM-2 study had high patients’ heterogeneity (i.e., shockable and non-shockable rhythms; no age limit), a very short no-flow time and a large number of bystander-initiated resuscitation (implying a limited brain injury), which are not common characteristics of CA patients in many registries.
diac arrest, the medical community is separated into TTM “believers” and “neutral,” with a significant impact on patient management and a trend towards a less ac-curate TTM prescription or, in the worst scenario, a “ni-hilistic” approach, with the total abandon of any temperature control in a number of centers.
Hypothermia versus normothermia in patients with cardiac arrest …
2024年10月15日 · The role of temperature control in the management of post-anoxic brain injury remains controversial. The Hypothermia versus Normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM-2) trial demonstrated that therapeutic hypothermia at 33 °C neither reduced mortality nor improved functional outcomes in unconscious patients who experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), in comparison to ...
Intravascular versus surface cooling for targeted temperature ...
2016年11月26日 · TTM may be delivered by conventional or active methods. Conventional methods include exposure, cold intravenous fluids or ice slurry/proprietary cooling pads [ 3 – 5 ]. Active methods are microprocessor-controlled devices where the thermal energy is regulated by the patient’s temperature, via a closed-feedback loop, delivering a programmed ...
Target temperature management following cardiac arrest: a …
2022年3月12日 · Background Temperature control with target temperature management (TTM) after cardiac arrest has been endorsed by expert societies and adopted in international clinical practice guidelines but recent evidence challenges the use of hypothermic TTM. Methods Systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis of clinical trials on adult survivors from cardiac arrest undergoing TTM for at least 12 h ...
Shivering during targeted temperature management after cardiac …
2014年3月17日 · Shivering complicates TTM, and the associated energy burden and its response to treatment are poorly understood. We describe the pattern of shivering and response to neuromuscular blockade in a series of patients undergoing TTM after cardiac arrest using continuous indirect calorimetry.
The impact of different targeted temperatures on out-of-hospital ...
2022年12月8日 · Background Targeted temperature management (TTM) is recommended in the management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) when coma persists after the return of spontaneous circulation. In the setting of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for OHCA patients, TTM is associated with good neurological outcomes and is recommended in the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization guidelines ...
Comparison of hypothermic and normothermic targeted …
2025年1月6日 · Background Targeted temperature management (TTM) is considered a beneficial treatment for improving outcomes in patients with OHCA due to acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The comparative benefits of hypothermic TTM (32–34°C) versus normothermic TTM (35–36°C) are unclear. This study compares these TTM strategies in improving neurological outcomes and survival rates in OHCA patients with ACS ...
Different neuroprognostication thresholds of neuron-specific …
2023年8月9日 · The variables investigated in this study were: age, sex, medical history, witnessed arrest, bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), arrest cause, initial documented rhythm (shockable vs. non-shockable), time from CPR to ROSC, time from ROSC to TTM initiation, target temperature, serum NSE levels measured 48 h after ROSC, and the poor ...