TTN Construction Company | Garowe - Facebook
2025年3月13日 · TTN Construction Company, Garowe. 3,073 likes · 13 talking about this · 3 were here. Fuliyaha Masharicda Horumarined ee Kabayasha Dhaqaalaha e ugu waweyn...
TTN construction Compnay - CF5M+7V5, Garowe, Somalia - Cybo
TTN construction Compnay is working in Construction of buildings activities. You can contact the company at 907 574 012 . Categories: Construction of buildings .
Ranjiga Wadooyinka: Buundada Garowe iyo Markaadaha | TikTok
Bilawnay edo waxaan ku rakibnay markii ugu dheer ee Ranjiga wadooyinka Garowe. Waa project kuu soo jiidasho weyn oo lagu gudo jirayo waxyaabo kala duwan. Ka dhigo nolosha iyo sii haydinta wadooyinka cusub.
Dhamaystirka Shaqada Buundada Garowe - TikTok
Muuqaal muujinaya dhamaystirka Buundada Garowe, oo la sameeyay tayada dhismaha. #TTNConstructionCompany #BuundadaGarowe #GaroweRoads
Shaqada Culus ee Buundada Garowe - TikTok
2024年1月21日 · 442 من تسجيلات الإعجاب،فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من TTN Construction Company (@ttnconstructioncompany): "Dhegeyso shaqada culus ee ay shirkadda #TTNConstructionCompany kawado Buundada Garowe. #TTNConstructionCompany #BuundadaGarowe #GaroweBridge #QualityRoads".
Shirkada dhismaha waddooyinka... - TTN Construction Company
Shirkada dhismaha waddooyinka iyo dekadaha ee TTN Construction Company ayaa magaalada Garoowe ka wadda wadooyin casri ah kuwaas oo la jaan qaadaya magaalooyinka hormarey ee caalamka . Dhismaha...
Shahzad Masih - Batching plant operator - TTN Construction …
With over 19 years of experience as Batching plant operator and Electrician Supervisor, I am a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional with a proven track record of delivering exceptional...
- 职位: Batching plant operator at TTN …
- 位置: TTN Construction company
- 人脉数: 134
Ahmed Ali Abdi’s Post - LinkedIn
This firsthand experience provided valuable insights into the construction processes and the collaborative efforts of TTN Company and Garowe Municipality engineers.
National Gulf Investment & Construction Company - 9FX7+JV4, Garowe …
National Gulf Investment & Construction Company is working in Construction of buildings activities. You can contact the company at 906 429 477. Categories: Construction of buildings. ISIC Codes: 4100. National Gulf Investment & Construction Company Garoowe. See Google profile, Hours, Phone and more for this business. 3.5 Cybo Score.
#wadooyinkagarowe - TikTok
#English We brought the 3rd Girder to the Garowe Bridge site in the early morning. The total number of girders is 90 pieces. This work will last for a month. Every day we transport at least 3 girders to Garowe Bridge site. #TTNConstrtuctionCompany stands for quality assurance, cost control, and on-time completion of works.