Difference between TTR125L & 125LE - TTR - ThumperTalk
2006年1月19日 · I am looking for a TTR 125 as a starter bike for my 14 yr. old daughter. She is 5'3'' and 105 lbs. Can you guys and girls riding a TTR 125 give me some advise. Is the ttr 125 too big?And what is the difference between the TTR125L & the TTR125LE?
TTR 125L - What is the correct Chain? - ThumperTalk
2004年3月25日 · What is the correct chain to buy for a stock ttr125L? I'd like to get an o-ring chain but can't find any info anywhere on the size and length..including the TT Store. Is it a 520 or what? is it a 116 link? What? A lot of places sell chains but I …
TTR125L Mods and Upgrades - What Works and What's a Waste
2021年11月1日 · By that I mean acceleration. The TTR has other advantages over the CRF, primarily it weighs a lot less and the brakes are much better, but the CRF has much better suspension (Our CRF150 has CRF230 forks and BBR springs, The TTR is stock with heavier oil and two 5/8" sockets serving as spring preload). The air box mods have worked out really well.
Differences Between TTR125 and TTR125L - TTR - ThumperTalk
2006年7月27日 · The small wheel ttr does work with the yz suspention, but you just need to buy the yz front wheel also. The differences between a ttr125 and ttr125L is that the ttr125L has a 19 insh front wheel with disk brake, and a longer swingarm with a 16 inch rear wheel.
TTR125l Brake Assembly Options - TTR - ThumperTalk
2020年8月29日 · The front brake assembly on my TTR 125 is shot, probably beyond rebuilding, and the OEM parts are insanely expensive and hard to find used (was quoted $900 to get the whole assembly and rotor new - as much as the bike is probably worth). I don’t understand why it’s so expensive and hard to find for the TTR 125l specifically?
Throttle Cable routing for TTR-125L - ThumperTalk
2004年7月12日 · Sorry about not mentioning the year, I used to have it in my signature but the fiancee wanted to create her own username so I let her have the bike on her signature. It is a 2002 TTR-125L. I am going to have to figure out if it is being routed correctly this weekend. Thanks for the help. tutta_velocita, The handlebars aren't raised at all ...
TTR 125L Gas Tank - ThumperTalk
2007年9月2日 · I just bought a 2001 TTR 125L. I'm new at dirt riding and this bike has been a blast, as well as a good, smaller bike for me to learn on. When I bought it the gas tank was cracked all over, so I figured I'd just buy a new one. I was astounded when I found the OEM replacement tank runs about $230 at the dealer. I ordered a used one for $150 from ...
TTR125 Tech Tips, Mods, Questions/Answers, & Carb Jet …
2004年5月17日 · The sickest power mods for the TTR begin with the camshaft. BBR, Powroll, PRC, and HotCam all make excellent cams for the TTR. I love my HotCam and Wiseco makes a drop in 11:1 high compression piston that works great with it. Next up would be porting, polishing, and head and valve work.
TTR 125L Chain Guide - ThumperTalk
2010年12月6日 · I used to own a 2003 TTR-125LE and I rode it hard and eventually wore the chain, sprockets and chain guide out. I had enough money to buy a nicer one but it really doesn't make a difference between the BBR and OEM. Just aesthetics. Remember its a dirt bike. GO with the OEM chain guide.
How to stiffen ttr 125l shocks - ThumperTalk
2011年9月30日 · The 2003 125L rear spring is best adjusted from the left side. A drift punch works ok. You should loosen the top ring first by drifting it counter clock wise then adjust the rear spring.