TTR BBR 150 Set up recommendations - ThumperTalk
I have a 2002 TTR 125L with a BBR 150 big bore kit on it. I purchased the bike with the big bore, a BBR exhaust and 14T front sprocket already on it. I cleaned the very dirty (factory) carb and replaced one of the jets after purchasing. Runs pretty smooth now. Well at …
TTR 150 Carbs - ThumperTalk
2003年10月22日 · I am interested in hearing what carb everyone is running with their 150cc TTRs. Basically, fill me on what setup you are running, if it was one of the "pre-jetted carbs" available for 150 bore kits, and what you think of it. If you did your own jetting and know the setup, spill your guts! Thanks!
TTR 150... what carb / jetting? - ThumperTalk
2010年2月7日 · Okay, I know this has probably been asked about a thousand times, but I've tried searching and I just can't quite find what I'm looking for. Also, I'm a little new to this, so bear with me. I currently own a 2002 TTR 125 (small wheel) with an FMF pipe. No airbox mod or anything like that. As of r...
Help with BBR 150 TTR-125 Mod 'Selection' - TTR - ThumperTalk
2019年6月7日 · I have an 03' TTR-125L, I recently installed a BBR 150 kit and re-jetted the carb. Huge difference over stock, however reading different 'parts and pieces' across this forum, I can't get a clear answer of some performance mods I should do (that pair well with the 150 kit). In a perfect world, I would like the most power per dollar.
BBR 150 Big Bore kit completed - TTR - ThumperTalk
2021年10月14日 · Hey, I finished installing the BBR 150 Big Bore Kit onto my 2015 TTR125 and figured I’d throw out my thoughts for anyone that may eventually google this topic. I recently purchased this bike and although it ran, it was pretty gutless. I know it’s only a 125… But it just seemed way gutless for a Yamaha 125.
TTR 125 Big Bore Kit +/- - TTR - ThumperTalk
2005年8月14日 · I just installed a 150 cc BBR Big Bore Kit on my son's TTR 125 and I thought I would share some of my findings. First let me say I have never done anything like this before and I was amazed at how simple it was. I used the Yamaha manual and was able to do this in one afternoon. It was very straightforward and I am a novice "mechanic" (using the ...
(125)More power vs get a 150? - TTR - ThumperTalk
2011年8月22日 · You can spend $3k on the 125, and it still won't be as good as the 150. The CRF has a perimeter frame from the factory; the ttr has aftermarket frame stiffeners (the cradle) available. The CRF comes with race suspension; the ttr gets 15-year old bike parts (from a YZ80) kluged onto it to make it better.
TTR 150 Kit is a slug! - TTR - ThumperTalk
2005年5月14日 · TTR 150 Kit is a slug! By Kevlaar, May 14, 2005 in TTR. Share More sharing options... Followers 0.
TTR125 with BBR big bore and VM24 jetting - TTR - ThumperTalk
2019年3月18日 · Hello, Over the winter I put a big bore kit on my TTR, and a FMF exhaust. It runs but the jetting is off. Hard to start, and seems to have no power on top end. Before the Big bore kit, it had some issues (would stall when decelerating) I have a 150 main jet, and a 27.5 pilot. I think it was prett...
converting a ttr125 to a ttr 150 R - TTR - ThumperTalk
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