WHY TTX? Pooled, multi-purpose railcars maximize utilization by reducing empty miles and switching to minimize network empty flows. TTX cars may be reloaded and routed to any other …
TTXWho We Are - TTX
What is TTX? TTX is a railcar pooling company. Founded as Trailer Train in 1955 by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the subsidiary invested in a new technology – flatcars that would haul …
TTXCareers - TTX
Railcar pooling experts. 2151 Hawkins Street Suite 1500 Charlotte, NC 28203
TTXOur History - TTX
TTX now owns over 25,000 Plate F, 110-ton boxcars. Initialed TBOX (60-ft, with two 8-ft plug doors per side), or FBOX (50-ft), the cars are intended to replace nearly 70 different varieties …
TTXEquipment - TTX
TTX owns a fleet of 60-foot and 89-foot chain tie-down cars used by shippers to carry large, bulky items such as farm implements, construction equipment, heavy machinery, vehicles of all …
TTX aims to provide a right-sized, well maintained, fleet of railcars to meet the shipping demands of the North America rail network, while always striving to improve the efficiency and …
TTXOur Locations - TTX
CONTACT OUR EXPERTS NOW 312.984.3840 Mechanical & Engineering Help Desk
TTXPress Release - TTX
Here’s the latest news regarding TTX and our efforts to support rail: TTX Announces Marty Thomas as new Executive VP. TTX Celebrates Headquarters Relocation with Grand Opening …
TTXMission, Vision and Values - TTX
We strive to strengthen TTX’s value and presence as an industry leader and partner. We equip our people, partners, and customers with real-time, inclusive industry knowledge to elevate …
TTXContact Us - TTX
2151 Hawkins Street Suite 1500 Charlotte, NC 28203. General Inquiries. 980-980-1054