What’s a TTY? What’s a TDD?... - Gallaudet University
A TTY is basically the same thing as a TDD. The phrase TTY (or Teletype device) is how the deaf community used to refer to the extremely large machines they used to type messages back …
Telecommunications device for the deaf - Wikipedia
A telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) is a teleprinter, an electronic device for text communication over a telephone line, that is designed for use by persons with hearing or …
Do TTY, TDD, and TT mean the same thing? | DO-IT - UW …
Yes. The TTY (TeleTYpe), TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), and TT (Text Telephone) acronyms are used interchangeably to refer to any type of text-based …
TTY vs TDD - Deaf Community
2008年6月22日 · Some people say TTY and some say TDD, but both really mean the same thing. When I first heard about this device, I always heard it referred to as "TTY". A few years later, I …
Telecommunications Relay Service and TTY Guide | odr
2008年4月9日 · What is a TTY (text telephone/TDD)? Looking much like a typewriter keypad with a text screen, a TTY allows an individual who is deaf, hard-of-hearing or has a speech …
2012年5月15日 · TTY(文字电话)设备,TTD(听障专用电信设备是听、说和行动能力有障碍之人士专用的特殊文字电话配件。 可以将可选配件tty设备连接到手机,用来拨打和接听电话。必 …
What Is The Difference Between A TTY And TDD? A …
2023年8月23日 · TTY stands for “Teletype,” while TDD stands for “Telecommunications Device for the Deaf.” Both these devices have different origins and functions, which we’ll enlighten …
What Is the Difference Between TTY and TDD? | It Still Works
TTY and TDD enable hearing-impaired and speech-impaired individuals to communicate over the telephone. TTY and TDD work in conjunction--there is no distinguishing difference. What is …
Teletypewriter (TTY) and Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD …
TTY and TDD are often used to refer to the same type of device. TTY is more commonly used now, since it isn’t limited to Deaf individuals. A teletypewriter, or teletype, is a device that …
TTY and TDD: Text-Based Telecommunications for the Deaf and …
TTY (TeleTYpe) and TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) are text-based telecommunications devices designed for individuals with hearing impairments to …