Tv App UI designs, themes, templates and downloadable
Discover 32 Tv App UI designs on Dribbble. Your resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide.
TV | UI Design | Android Developers
Use our design components to create a beautiful & functional TV UI. These components and patterns ensure the optimal user experience for TV apps, while maintaining consistency & showing your brand. Explore our Figma design kits and use our styles, themes, patterns, components, and more, to springboard the creation of your next TV app.
Tv UI designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic
Discover 100+ Tv UI designs on Dribbble. Your resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide.
TV端UI设计规范小结 - 站酷ZCOOL
从事电视投影端UI设计有段时间了,总结了部分TV端UI设计通用规范分享给同TV端设计方向与即将从事此方向的小伙伴们一起交流! 早几年冷门的TV端UI设计在2021年已经相对成熟,电视机的头部品牌创维、海信、TCL、长虹、康佳和新踏入电视机行业的小米在硬件系统设计相对早些年完善很多,相比之下TV端的软件系统设计和移动端和PC端来讲还有很大的优化空间。 根据所属公司行业属性、营收模式、产品定位和运营方向的不同,设计重点自然有所不同。
Android TV:使用Leanback写国内UI风格的TV应用 - 简书
现在国内主流的TV端视频播放软件、TV端桌面的UI风格都差不多了。 这个“差不多”不仅是说版式排布“差不多”,也是在说交互逻辑的“差不多”。 从版式排布上来说,主页(如图一所示)的最上面会有一排比较重要的功能按钮,比如搜索、历史、登录、引导开通VIP、广告、网络状态、时间、Logo等等,这一排按钮下面是视频分类的标题,标题下面是流式布局的视频内容页,通过切换标题能够切换视频内容页,在视频内容页按遥控器下键能够加载多页内容,当前视频内容页没有更 …
TV Design Kit - Figma
Meet TV Design Kit, Google's immersive design system for creating TV apps. The TV Design Kit is based on Material Design 3 principles and is optimized for TVs. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the design system, with styles, components and usage to help you get started. Visualize dynamic color in your UI.
TV App Dashboard UI - Figma
Watch your favorite movies hassle free. Hope you like it :) Feel free to give me some of design feedback. Also check my Behance and Dribbble for more content.
打造视觉盛宴:TV App UI设计解析与实战技巧 - 云原生实践
2025年1月26日 · 一个优秀的TV App UI设计不仅能够提升用户体验,还能增强用户粘性,从而提高应用的市场竞争力。 本文将深入解析TV App UI设计的原理,并提供实战技巧,帮助设计师打造视觉盛宴。 1. 用户体验(UX)设计. TV App UI设计的核心目标是提供良好的用户体验。 设计师需要深入了解用户需求,将用户的期望融入到设计中,使用户在使用应用时感到舒适、便捷和愉悦。 2. 界面布局是TV App UI设计的关键。 设计时应考虑以下因素: 简洁明了:界面应避免过于复 …
Tv App Ui Design Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ... - Behance
Daily UI #025 TV App. Damla Sabaz opens in a new tab. 15 272. Save. Smart TV UI(2020) Alexey Anashkin opens in a new tab. 3 37. Save. Day 25 - TV App. Barani Chandran opens in a new tab. 3 33. Save. TV Remote - iOS Mobile app - UX/UI design. Julia Kopytko opens in a new tab. 90 596. Save. tvee | video streaming TV platform. Multiple Owners.
25. TV App (51) - collectui
Daily inspiration collected from daily ui archive and beyond. Based on Dribbble shots, hand picked, updating daily.
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