TV Time helps you find and search movies, series and anime from ...
TV Time helps you find and search movies, series and anime from different servers and download them easily with different qualities. - WinUICommunity/TvTime
Keep track of what you watch | TV Time
Discover what to watch next! TV Time is the world's largest tracking tool that organizes the shows and movies you love.
Releases: WinUICommunity/TvTime - GitHub
TV Time helps you find and search movies, series and anime from different servers and download them easily with different qualities. - Releases · WinUICommunity/TvTime
TV Time | Your TV shows calendar (TVShow Time)
TV Time is the world's largest tracking tool for shows and movies. Join 26+ million users and: TRACK shows and movies that you love DISCOVER what to watch next GET NOTIFIED when …
The old website - Let's talk about it : r/TVTime - Reddit
As some of you may have noticed, the old TV Time website has been replaced with the new web application that had been in beta for some time now (check out this post in case you missed it).
Android TV:使用Leanback写国内UI风格的TV应用 - 简书
现在国内主流的TV端视频播放软件、TV端桌面的UI风格都差不多了。 这个“差不多”不仅是说版式排布“差不多”,也是在说交互逻辑的“差不多”。 从版式排布上来说,主页(如图一所示)的最 …
【UI设计小分享】TV端UI设计 - 站酷ZCOOL
在做UI设计的时候,用户的使用场景是一定要关注到。 而对于电视的使用场景,大家回忆一下自家的客厅就能发现,一般距离是3m到6m,这与电视机的尺寸和您家客厅大小有关系。
TV端UI设计规范小结 - 站酷ZCOOL
从事电视投影端UI设计有段时间了,总结了部分TV端UI设计通用规范分享给同TV端设计方向与即将从事此方向的小伙伴们一起交流! 早几年冷门的TV端UI设计在2021年已经相对成熟,电视机的头部品牌创维、海信、TCL、长虹、康佳和新踏入电视机行业的小米在硬件系统设计相对早些年完善很多,相比之下TV端的软件系统设计和移动端和PC端来讲还有很大的优化空间。 根据所属公司行业属性、营收模式、产品定位和运营方向的不同,设计重点自然有所不同。
TV Time | Ui Portfolio
The purpose of this visualization is to allow users to analyze the TV show "The Good Place". The motivation for creating this application is to visually show and answer questions about characters and episodes, specifically looking at dialog and relationships.
除了记录剧集,这款追剧应用还要帮你找到更多爱看剧的同好:TV Time …
2018年11月29日 · TV Time 最具特色的智能推荐剧集功能,在当你首次打开应用的一系列操作中就体现出来。 基于百万级别日活用户数据,TV Time 会呈现当前较为热门的剧集供你先行添加,并且让你点击记录当前追到的剧集。
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