TV | UI Design | Android Developers
Use our design components to create a beautiful & functional TV UI. These components and patterns ensure the optimal user experience for TV apps, while maintaining consistency & showing your brand. Explore our Figma design kits and use our styles, themes, patterns, components, and more, to springboard the creation of your next TV app.
TV Design Kit - Figma
Meet TV Design Kit, Google's immersive design system for creating TV apps. The TV Design Kit is based on Material Design 3 principles and is optimized for TVs. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the design system, with styles, components and usage to help you get started. Visualize dynamic color in your UI.
GitHub - qqipp/Android-TV-UI-Kit: Hey guys! If you are …
If you are interested in designing apps for Android TV, I‘ve created this UI Kit Sketch file for you, it’s based on the screenshots on the current Android TV Design guideline website.
Apple TV+ UI Kit - Figma
Material 3 Design Kit iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 Figma auto layout playground Anima - Figma to React, HTML Ant Design Open Source
Android TV Ui Kit - uicat.cn
这是一个干净的移动iOS/Android UI套件,非常适合IPTV相关应用程序,包括20多个在Adobe Photoshop CS6中设计的高质量iOS/Android屏幕模板。
Download Free Google TV Design Kit - Free Figma - TitanUI
Rooted in Material Design 3 principles, the TV Design Kit is optimized to provide an immersive TV experience. This kit offers a thorough overview of the design system, featuring styles, …
A Vue 3 UI Framework | QuickTVUI
内置了大量针对智能电视开发的UI组件,简单易用; 利用前端生态,实现免下载、免安装,方便快速迭代; 采用react-native的形式,底层用native实现,保证接近原生的体验; 已适配市面上大部 …
Free Figma TV Design Ui Kit ( Figma Community )
Hua TV Design Kit, Google’s innovative framework optimized for creating interactive TV apps. Built on the principles of Material Design 3 and optimized specifically for television networks, TV.”
TV电影影视界面UI_UI设计_UI教程 - Uirush素材库.net
一款电视影视界面Sketch设计素材源文件免费下载 - Uirush素材库提供海量免费UI设计、Sketch素材、网页模板、Logo素材、名片素材、PS素材、AI素材、宣传册宣传单、图标、PPT模板、框线图、样机模型、平面设计模板和代码等素材资源下载。
OTT Mini UI Kit - Figma
Here's a free mini UI Kits for OTT Devices. Follow me on: Linkedin | Threads | Instagram | Youtube