Time Variance Authority - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
The Time Variance Authority (TVA) is a bureaucratic organization created by He Who Remains and located outside of time and space that originally served as a temporal law enforcement agency, tasked with preserving the Sacred Timeline by …
Time Variance Authority - Wikipedia
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Chronicoms, based on the lower-ranked TVA Chronomonitors, are introduced in the fourth season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in 2017, recurring through to its series finale in 2020, while the TVA is …
Time Variance Authority Office - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
The Time Variance Authority Office is the headquarters for the Time Variance Authority. Created by He Who Remains, the TVA's headquarters exists out of space-time, where time flows differently. " Someone created the Time-Keepers. They created this whole place."
时间变异管理局 - 百度百科
时间变异管理局(Time Variance Authority,TVA)是美国漫威漫画中的虚构组织,初次登场于《雷神》(Thor)第371期(1986年9月)。 该机构致力于监督、调整、以及最终平衡包含着无限变量的多元宇宙中大量的时间线。
Marvel's Comic Continuity Has Found a True Bridge With the MCU…
2024年12月27日 · Marvel's new "TVA" comic series is a concrete link to the MCU, suggesting a greater degree of connectivity in Marvel's vast multimedia Multiverse.
Marvel Wants to Fix Loki's TVA Mess, Giving Spider-Gwen an Easy …
10 小时之前 · The Time Variance Authority, or TVA, from the Disney+ series Loki, currently has its own Marvel Comics series, which is picking up on many of the threads from the show's second season, and fan-favorite character Spider-Gwen has taken on a central role in the book, suggesting a possible path for her to join the MCU.. In TVA #4 – written by Katharyn Blair, with art by Père Perez – everyone ...
Marvel Is Quietly Paving the Way For a MCU Plot Twist With Help …
2025年3月3日 · The Scarlet Witch has been missing in the MCU since Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Though the movie ends with Wanda bringing down an entire mountain on top of her, implying her demise, a new comic reveals that there might be more at play than anyone knows about.
《TVA》漫画:MCU 故事的新延伸 | 漫威百科 | 漫画资讯 | 漫威网
2025年2月27日 · 2024 年 12 月,漫威漫画为粉丝们带来了全新的惊喜,出版了《tva》第一期。 这一漫画系列专门聚焦于那个掌控时间线的神秘同名组织 —— 时间变异管理局(TVA)。
Time Variance Authority (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The Time Variance Authority, often abbreviated as the TVA, are the main characters of the Disney+ Marvel Cinematic Universe series Loki and the secondary antagonists of the 2024 film Deadpool & Wolverine. It is a quasi-religious bureaucratic organization founded by He Who Remains in order to...
关于 TVA 和神圣时间线您需要了解的一切 - zh-cn.epicdope.com
时变管理局(TVA)是一个存在于现实范围之外的机构。 它关注于监控整个多元宇宙的现实,并在每个时间线的焦点上工作。 这个焦点就是他们所说的神圣时间线。 《洛基》第一集,由汤姆·希德勒斯顿饰演洛基 重点介绍 TVA 的历史——它是什么、它是如何产生的以及它现在的意义。 它还反映了洛基的生活,顺便说一下,这对于该系列中的洛基(而不是我们)来说是新闻。 这个洛基在《复仇者联盟》中的事件中脱离了时间线,冒险进入了一个全新的世界。 回顾《复仇者联盟: …