postdocs - What is the difference between TV-L E13 and TV-L E14 ...
2019年7月31日 · The key difference between a TVL E13 and E14 position would be the job responsibilities and required qualifications. In an academic context, E13 positions are for researchers at graduate or post-graduate level working under supervision.
phd - What does TVL-E13/2 mean? - Academia Stack Exchange
2021年2月13日 · I have never seen a TVL/TVÖD job offer that specifies an experience stage. I have seen many for part-time positions, particularly for phd positions. Some of them might even have specified as fraction but percentage or hours is the norm.
What is a "TV-L 13" position? - Academia Stack Exchange
2016年1月9日 · BTW, in one of the invitations, it says "E13". I'm not sure what this refers to but, I guess it's same as TV-L 13. Hope this helps, and if you took this position, please explain further about TV-L 13.
Net salary for PhD in German university - Academia Stack Exchange
2015年5月3日 · Putting in the information you listed (66% TV-L E13, single, no kids) and guessing the rest (western university, current wage agreement, no church affiliation, default insurance), I get an average monthly net salary of €1497.36 (according to the current -- at the time of this edit -- collective agreement for 2016).
Criteria of experience recognition for "TV-L 13" position
2017年2月7日 · The former covers only those work experiences which are basically identical to those required for the new job (and this is not directly related to the TV-L scale -- after all, you could have had an administrative E13 position). Arguably, the experience of a postdoc is very different from that of a PhD student.
TVL Stufe in Germany based on previous degree
2023年10月18日 · Keep in mind: they can rather easily assign you into fresh E13/3, which would otherwise require 3 years relevant work experience from fresh E13/1. I.e., what you negotiate for now are as many as possible of the 32 months of relevant working experience that …
Net salary calculation for TVLE-13 65% PhD offer in Münster
2024年5月25日 · I already entered 65% and TVL 13, there is a table at the bottom that shows the salaries, with the tiers. If you just start you will be in tier 1, after 1 year in tier 2 and after 2 more in tier 3 and so on. –
PhD salary in Germany according to TVöD - Academia Stack …
2017年12月31日 · So at E13 Level 1 at a 100% employment you will start with 3657.34€/month gross income. (Net income will be somewhere slightly above 2000€, depending on taxes). Share
How can a PhD holder safely negotiate the salary level for a TVL …
2020年9月9日 · Unlike the question Safely negotiate a salary for a PhD offer - Germany where the goal was to negotiate the % of the salary of a PhD position, my post instead focuses on the specific level (Stufe) of a 100% TVL E13 position offered to …
German postdoc salaries (TV-L E14) - Academia Stack Exchange
2015年3月31日 · For example, a PhD student might have a "TV-L (El3, 50% position)", meaning that after one identifies the amount in the TV-L table corresponding to E13, the gross pay is only 50% of that amount. A tip for reading these German payscale tables: the levels E1 to E15 are related to what sort of job it is and how qualified you are.