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Thames Valley Police - Wikipedia
Thames Valley Police is the territorial police force responsible for policing the Thames Valley region, covering the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire in South East England. [4][5] It is the largest non-metropolitan police force in England and Wales, covering 2,218 square miles (5,740 km 2) and a population of 2.42 million p...
News - Thames Valley Police
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Contact us - Thames Valley Police
Find out the many ways you can contact the police, whether it’s to report an incident, ask for advice or give us feedback.
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Najwygodniejszym sposobem na oglądanie TVP w UK jest platforma TVP VOD, która oferuje filmy, seriale i programy na żądanie. Można z niej korzystać zarówno na telewizorze z Android TV, laptopie, jak i urządzeniach mobilnych. TVP VOD jest dostępne poprzez stronę internetową oraz aplikację na telefon, tablet.
Thames Valley Police - YouTube
This is the official Thames Valley Police YouTube Channel with videos from across the force in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. The TVP YouTube Ch...
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