(TVPS-4) Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, Fourth Edition
The TVPS-4 remains an easy-to-use assessment for determining visual-perceptual strengths and weaknesses. Norms are based on a nationally representative sample. Additional lower-level items were added to address the needs of younger or more impaired individuals, and norms now extend through 21 years of age, making the TVPS-4 useful for a wider ...
Are Motor-free Visual Perception Skill Constructs Predictive of …
2012年12月1日 · The TVPS-3 Visual Figure–Ground construct as an independent variable accounted for 3.10–4.90% of the total unique variance of the same three DTVP-2 VMI constructs. According to the TVPS-3 manual, Visual Figure–Ground is defined as the ability to find and focus on an object/figure in a distracting, conglomerated background or when it is ...
Assessment Tools for Evaluating Visual Perception and Visual …
Brief Overview: The BOT-2 is a comprehensive motor assessment with various subtests that can provide insights into a child's visual-motor skills and, to some extent, visual perception. Subtests Relevant to VP and VM: Fine Motor Precision, Fine Motor Integration, & Manual Dexterity. Age Range: 4-21 years
Factor Structure of the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills—Revised (TVPS …
2008年1月1日 · Therefore, the con- struct validity evidence reported about the TVPS-R should in 2 Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy FACTOR STRUCTURE OF TVPS-R principle support Gardner’s conceptualisation of visual per- ceptual skills. To date, only one other published study, completed by Brown and Gaboury (2006), has evaluated the TVPS-R’s con ...
The DTVP-2 and TVPS-R appear to be of equal value when assessing a learner for visual perceptual difficulties. However, when specific sub-tests were used as a guide to focus therapy strategies, differences appear. Key Words: Developmental Test of Visual Perception-2, Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-Revised, Assessment of Visual Perceptual ...
TVPS-4视觉感知能力测试第四版_上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司—— …
TVPS-4视觉感知能力测试第四版(Test of Visual Perception Skills 4th Edition(TVPS-4)),是一个快速,直接的标准化测试,大约需要25分钟来执行测试。TVPS-4的标准化格式,规范基于具有全国代表性的样本,增加了更低级别的项目测试,以满足年龄更小或者残疾个体的需求,目前规范样本延伸到21岁,使得TVPS-4对 ...
The DTVP-2 visual closure subtest: A closer look - ResearchGate
2011年12月1日 · The DTVP-2 and TVPS-R appear to be of equal value when assessing a learner for visual perceptual difficulties. However, when specific sub-tests were used as a guide to focus therapy strategies ...
The Validity and Reliability of Developmental Test of Visual …
2013年1月29日 · A Spearman rho correlation coefficient was used to investigate the DTVP-2's convergent validity and Cronbach alpha coefficients were used to determine the DTVP-2's internal consistency. Statistically significant correlations between the DTVP-2, VMI, and TVPS-3 total scale scores and subscale scores were found.
Correlating the Developmental Test of Visula Perception -2 (DTVP …
The DTVP-2 and TVPS-R appear to be of equal value when assessing a learner for visual perceptual difficulties. However, when specific sub-tests were used as a guide to focus therapy strategies, differences appear. Key Words: Developmental Test of Visual Perception-2, Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-Revised, Assessment of Visual Perceptual ...
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