Back pain affecting my job! | Urinary Incontinence | Forums - Patient
2015年1月23日 · Hi I have had a tvt operation nearly 4yrs ago, I have had to have it corrected twice as tape was exposed. Since the first correction I have had lower back pain. I have had various scans, X-rays and mri. With no explanation given.
TVT Operations....How many of you have found this successful?
2015年8月29日 · What I do feel however is that this pain in my right groin which can get too bad to put my foot to the floor is the cause of my muscle pain in turn caused by the TVT. Having had MRI SCAN, X-rays and Ultrasound of my hips they say I need new hips but now the results of these along with the VCMG have in turn confused my GP. I can only take the ...
TVT. procedure again????? | Urinary Incontinence | Forums - Patient
2015年3月17日 · I had a tvt op about 5 years ago. Had it repaired twice although it was not causing myself any problems it was causing my partner problems,like you I thought it was great but after repair I have had terrible lower back pain and no one seems to know what is causing it? So think twice about it, talk to your doctor see if there are other ways.
Anyone have TVT surgery recently? | Genitourinary Prolapse - Patient
2016年9月16日 · There's a post from yesterday from a lady who has had a TVT only a few days ago. It is a straightforward procedure nowadays and usually performed under a local anaesthetic. Recovery is quick, driving after a few weeks and very little pain or discomfort. You are usually discharged home the same day as long as you pass urine.
Pain and other directly after tvt | Urinary Incontinence | Forums
Hi there, before you proceed with the TVT op PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE checkout the ‘Sling the mesh’ group on Facebook. There are some real horror stories on there regarding the mash/tape they use, it has been banned in some countries and some ops, but not I. Others and i. so is still causing major problems and unbearable pain for a lot of people.
Post op TVT and vaginal wall repair -- pain relief?
2016年2月9日 · Oh bless you. I had an Anterior repair done early December and no pain for the first four weeks and then it hit me. Not pain but discomfort +++++. It felt like I had a combination of severe nappy rash. and was being stung by hundreds of bees 😞. As I was four weeks post op saw GP who sent me to the Gynae clinic same day.
Stress Incontinence | Symptoms and Treatment - Patient
2025年1月20日 · Tension-free vaginal tape The tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure is the name of an operation often used to treat stress incontinence. It involves a sling of man-made (synthetic) tape being used to support the urine outlet (urethra) and bladder neck.
TVT repair - how long does it last? | Genitourinary Prolapse - Patient
2017年2月17日 · TVT is really great then Matron for stress incontinence! My sister 9 years older than me just starting to get slight prolapse problems that have got worse over winter, she had joined walking club and gym last few years. She has appointment today at consultant so waiting to head how she gets on.
A lot of groin pain and pain above hair line 4 weeks after ... - Patient
4 weeks is pretty early. I had to sit on a stack of memory foam pillows and recline as much as possible to use a chair at that point. Groin pain can be either inflamed nerves from the surgical trauma or spasmed pelvic muscles. Have you tried warm compresses/heating pad? Are you still taking your ibuprofen around the clock?
Sacrospinous hysteropexy and rectocele repair- buttock pain
2017年2月26日 · It is 2 wks tomorrow since I had my anterior and posterior repair with tvt sling and my uterus attached to the sacropinous ligament. I am in extreme pain which doesn't always go away with painkillers, my Dr prescribed Solpadol for me (after a very tearful phone call in to the surgery) but they don't always work as I still get pain even though I ...