Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT): our modified technique—effective ...
2004年4月8日 · Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) is nowadays an established operation for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. In this article, we will demonstrate our standardized TVT procedure and ways of possible postoperative correction. A tight vaginal tape can be individually expanded by a Prolene-interponate within days and also years after surgery.
Key points and steps: Vaginal finger guidance Initial alignment of the needle tip toward the ipsilateral shoulder until the endopelvic fascia has been perforated. Immediate upward deflection of the tip of the needle upon piercing of the pelvic fascia, passing behind the inferior ramus staying close to the posterior aspect of the symphysis
Transobturator Vaginal Tape in 10 Steps - PubMed
This video presents clearly the standardization of this technique in 10 steps: (1) patient's ergonomy, (2) anesthetic infiltration, (3) single vaginal incision, (4) creation of the pathway for device placement, (5) placement of the device, (6) check flat position of the tape, (7) obtain the correct tension of the mesh, (8) cut both lateral arms ...
Key Steps GYNECARE TVT™ Obturator System Tension-free Support for Incontinence The goal is to keep the point of the needle as close to the bone as possible using the “Pop, Stop, Drop, Rotate, and Hug the Bone” Key Steps STEP 1: Position Patient, Mark …
Tension-Free Vaginal Tape - Procedure - TeachMeObGyn
2024年12月4日 · Fig 1 – Stages of a tension-free vaginal tape. (a) TVT needle insertion on left side, with catheter and metal guide on same side, (b) Schematic insertion of TVT tape, (c) Adjusting tension free TVT, (d) Mechanism of action of mid-urethral application TVT.
Tension-free Vaginal Sling Procedures: Transvaginal Tape Procedure
Tension-free vaginal sling procedures: transvaginal tape procedure (TVT) is a treatment for urodynamically proven stress incontinence in women. TVT is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the placement of a small piece of polypropylene mesh (tape) around the pubic bones underneath the urethra.
2019年12月23日 · 目前国内外主流的女性sui手术治疗手段为无张力阴道吊带术(tvt)、由内向外闭孔无张力悬吊术(tvt-o)和由外向内闭孔无张力悬吊术(tot)。 1.tvt (1)手术流程. ①麻醉。 ②摆放截石位,髋关节屈曲80°~100°,下肢外展30°~45°,膝盖弯曲使小腿平行于躯干。
What is a TVT or TOT procedure? TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) and TOT (transobturator tape) are procedures that lift a woman’s sagging bladder or urethra into normal position. During surgery, a narrow band of tape is placed under the urethra. The tape supports the urethra and bladder like a hammock. Why do I need a TVT or TOT procedure?
TVT手术是根据尿道中段吊床理论,用一条由永久性材料制成的条形网带为尿道提供支撑力,使尿道在适当的时候始保持关闭,避免不自主漏尿的发生。 这是一种微创、高效的手术方式,是现今治疗SUI的标准治疗方法。 我院本次采用了TVT-A与TVT-0治疗女性SUI,结果发现观察组疗效与术后步行6分钟的距离均明显较对照组理想(P<0.05),这可能与TVT-A运用的是由聚丙烯材料编织的网带,并辅以AMG修补材料有一定关系,该种材料使患者不仅可获得人工吊带远期与高效的 …
Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure - ScienceDirect Topics
There are two approaches to TVT, the ‘bottom-up’ vaginal approach and the ‘top-down’ abdominal approach. The vaginal approach is discussed below. Before surgery, aspirin and other anticoagulants are discontinued for an adequate period. Urinalysis and urine culture must rule out urinary tract infection.