Alexandria Tea - TWG Tea
A dreamy reminder of Arabian nights, this TWG Tea mélange of green Tea is subtly blended with sweet and spicy mints, warm spices and a scattering of flower petals which finishes with a melting note of anise. Warm and enveloping.
First Sip: 1837 Black Tea by TWG - Floral, Fruity, Caramel, Anise
It's always an exciting and magical experience tasting new teas and sharing them with you. In this video I sip:1837 Black Tea by TWG Subscribe for more tea s...
TWG Tea | 1837 Black Tea | Black Tea | Fruits & Flowers
EXCLUSIVE BLENDS: A unique blend of black tea with notes of fruits and flowers from the Bermuda triangle which leaves a lingering aftertaste of ripe berries, anise, and caramel. BLACK TEA: Savour the delightful flavors of this exquisite black tea, delicately crafted for peaceful indulgence at any time of the day.
新加坡TWG茶推荐 口味&价格? - 知乎
2018年7月4日 · TWG的特色在于它的定制感,且加入的味道不低级不香精,适合对茶有探索欲的宝宝们。
茶品牌的垦荒者│新加坡TWG Tea - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TWG tea定位高端,坚持奢侈概念,围绕着“全世界最好的茶叶”这一定位,打造独特的“世界产品”策略,并实现独特的原创零售精品店和高级沙龙。 提供来自全球45个原产地的800多种单品茶、季节性限量产地茶、独家熏制茶。
TWG Tea | 1837 Black Tea | Black Tea | Fruits & Flowers
TWG Tea's renowned signature tea, 1837 Black is a unique blend of black tea with notes of fruits and flowers from the Bermuda triangle which leaves a lingering aftertaste of ripe berries, anise, and caramel. A timeless classic. Pour 95°C water over 2.5g of tea leaves per cup and infuse for 3 minutes. Remove leaves and serve.
- 评论数: 562
Alexandria Tea - TWG Tea
A dreamy reminder of Arabian nights, this TWG Tea mélange of green teas is subtly blended with sweet & spicy mints, warm spices and a scattering of flower petals which finishes with a melting note of anise. Warm and enveloping.
TWG Tea | Alexandria Tea | Green Tea | Mint & Corn Flowers
EXCLUSIVE BLENDS: Transport yourself to the enchanting Arabian nights with this dreamy green tea, subtly scented with rare mint and Mediterranean cornflowers. GREEN TEA: Savour the delightful flavors of this exquisite green tea, delicately …
TWG Tea | Luxury Teas & Accessories Online
TWG Tea, the finest luxury tea brand in the world, offers over 1,000 varieties of loose leaf teas and modern accessories for tea lovers.
TWG Tea 全球首創「茶香泰迪」!8 款迷人風味,小熊軟糖泡熱茶 …
2024年12月13日 · 來自新加坡的奢華茶葉品牌TWG Tea,推出全球首創「TWG Tea茶香泰迪」。 一顆顆泰迪熊形狀的軟糖, 放進茶杯裡沖入熱水,就能融化成一杯香甜茶飲 ,新穎的沖泡方式讓人眼睛一亮。