Tea Teddies | TWG Tea
Reimagining tea through a sweet treat, TWG Tea Teddies® are little luxurious fruit gums that cleverly integrate a charming pop culture icon into a nostalgic candy. Discover exquisite tea-infused fruit gums crafted with rare white tea that whisk the palate away on a whimsical journey.
Gourmet Jelly - TWGTea
Defines the type of leaf harvested to produce a particular type of black tea, the finest being FTGFOP1. Teas sourced from plantations committed to sustainable and organic farming …
Ginger & Lemon Tea Teddies | TWG Tea
A world premiere, TWG Tea Teddies® are exquisite tea-infused fruit gums crafted with rare white tea – the first of its kind in the world – tantalising the modern imagination with an extraordinary tea journey. These little Tea Teddy fruit gums are uniquely delicious, inspired by some of …
TWG Tea「茶香泰迪」軟萌登場!8種口味小熊軟糖可直接食用還 …
2024年12月2日 · 精品茶葉品牌 TWG Tea 推出全新「茶香泰迪」系列新品,採用精緻茶葉打造的茶香水果軟糖,不僅可以直接享用,還能溶於水中泡成一杯迷人的茶飲。
TWG Tea 的「小熊軟糖茶」太可愛,現在台灣買得到了!能直接吃 …
2024年11月28日 · 泡茶很療癒,小熊軟糖則代表快樂,能把兩種美好事物結合在一起,也只有 TWG Tea 做得到。 來自新加坡的奢華茶葉品牌 TWG Tea,今年四月推出「茶香泰迪」,一上市便搶購一空,現在不用羨慕別人,台灣也能買到了!
TWG Tea Teddies Review: Tea-Infused Gummy Bears!
2024年5月3日 · These tea-infused gummies are available in eight flavours: Strawberry, Raspberry & Vanilla, Grapefruit & Orange, Apple & Grape, Blueberry, Orange & Cinnamon, Ginger & Lemon, and Mango & Orange. What’s the deal? Well, you can grab a tub of these TWG Tea Teddies for S$15, and each tub comes with a generous 40 pieces.
TWG Tea首創「茶香泰迪」!8款水果小熊軟糖秒變茶飲,超萌造 …
世界奢華茶葉品牌 TWG Tea,首創 「茶香泰迪(TWG Tea Teddies®)」 系列,採用精緻茶葉所打造的創新茶香水果軟糖, 不但可以直接食用,還可將其溶於水中,瞬間變身為一杯迷人茶飲; 此次一口氣推出八款茶香泰迪,集結茶香與多款鮮甜水果及香料調,造型活 ...
萌趣魅力爆紅!可以喝的 TWG Tea「茶香泰迪小熊軟糖」台灣也買 …
2024年12月1日 · 來自新加坡的奢華茶葉品牌「TWG Tea」,在聖誕佳節前夕帶來全新「茶香泰迪(TWG Tea Teddies®」系列,泰迪熊水果軟糖一般的造型非常吸睛,除了可以直接當作茶香水果軟糖享用外,亦可將小熊溶於水中,沖泡出一杯冷熱皆宜的果香風味茶飲,當作聖誕交換禮物 ...
TWG Tea Has New Tea Teddies Gummy Bears | Eatbook.sg
2024年5月3日 · TWG Tea has just launched their viral, limited-edition tea teddies. These gummy bears can be enjoyed as a snack or made into tea.
Tea Teddies® | TWG Tea
Channelling a sense of fanciful fun, our Tea Teddies® offer a tailored assortment designed for every predilection, mood and time of the day. Ensure they are fully dissolved before serving. …