Part of the West Midlands display in 2008 at SHOWBUS starting with TWM Metrobus 2949, Walsall Fleetlin e116 and WMPTE MCW bodied Fleetline 6311 (KON311P). Around the corner is another Metrobus in WMPTE colours. The previous year the West Midlands contingent produced a formidable line up in the Land Warfare Hall field.
2949 and 6832 at Wythall | A comparison of MK1 and MK2 West
2007年8月27日 · 2949 and 6832 at Wythall. A comparison of MK1 and MK2 West Midlands Metrobuses, D949NDA and SDA832S at Wythall. 6832 is preserved and 2949 was still operating for TWM at the time, but has since been sold on for further service.
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TWM MCW Metrobus 2949 - YouTube
The last of the ex dp metros still in service, and after seeing a web forum post stating it was due to be withdrawn at the beginning of November, I went on i...
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