Crysis 3 beta. SMAA, TXAA, FXAA, MSAA | Tom's Hardware Forum
2013年1月30日 · it depends on the card you have as to what aa you should use. nvidia runs msaa for very little overhead. while amd run fsaa better things like txaa should only be used if you …
Which is the Best MSAA, CSAA, TXAA? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2013年12月23日 · Agreed, even though TXAA slightly blurs it's by far the superior AA right now. Looks the best, runs smoothest. It gives a much more natural look then MSAA/SSAA. But …
SMAA vs FXAA vs TXAA - Tom's Hardware Forum
2013年9月11日 · TXAA 4x : Blurring Filter + MSAA 4x + TAA 2x SMAA 1x : slightly blurring SMAA 4x : slightly blurring ...
anti aliasing - How does TXAA work? - Super User
2016年6月9日 · To filter any given pixel on the screen, TXAA uses a contribution of samples, both inside and outside of the pixel, in conjunction with samples from prior frames, to offer the …
TXAA,MSAA & SMAA{Which one is Better} - Tom's Hardware Forum
2013年12月9日 · TXAA is crap 100% of the time and should be avoided, massive performance hit and totally blurry image. MSAA tends to have a pretty high performance hit, doesn't work on …
GTA 5 MFAA+TXAA consequences | Tom's Hardware Forum
2015年8月3日 · In GTA 5 you have to choose MSAA 4X to activate TXAA4X. So MSAA4X ON AND TXAA ON. And Some people use MFAA while having only MSAA type AA on. My …
TXAA and FXAA - Tom's Hardware Forum
2016年2月29日 · Aright I pretty much know what every sort of AA solution is and what they do but I just can't seem to wrap my head around FXAA and TXAA. I know FXAA is very efficient and …
TXAA in game at the same time - Tom's Hardware Forum
2011年10月19日 · TXAA - Medium to high performance impact for heavy blur AA quality which, honestly, isn't easy on the eyes and makes the game look...washed. It's proprietary to NVIDIA …
Anti Aliasing- FXAA, SSAA, MSAA, TXAA etc. and ambient occlusion
2014年4月14日 · TXAA is a new technique developed by nvidia which is accurate, and does not tax nvidia gpis as much as ...
Do i need msaa if i have fxaa or txaa | Tom's Hardware Forum
2012年11月16日 · The problem with TXAA is that it requires the game's engine to implement it, you cannot force it with your drivers and have it work properly. Right now the only game that …