TXC-Professional Frequency Product Supplier
The self-report net consolidated sales of TXC Corp. in Feb,2025. The self-report net consolidated sales of TXC Corp. is NT$945.14 million (MoM-17.22%,YoY+17.66%)
製品情報-TXC Corporation.
TXC provides a wide range of TCXO solutions. Products available include precise TCXO and automotive TCXO offering excellent frequency stability for telecommunications, GNSS, and other automotive demanding markets.
About TXC - TXC Corporation.
TXC Corporation, founded in 1983, is a professional frequency products supplier. We are dedicated to the R&D, design, production and sales of crystal units and oscillators. Our advanced products can be used in a wide variety of applications including mobile communication, wearable devices, IoT, server, storage, automotive, telecommunication and ...
2014年12月14日 · txc 提供各種超小型化、薄型化與低串聯電阻型且具備高精度、極低的老化、高 q/低相位噪聲和寬溫度範圍的mhz石英諧振器。
公司简介 - 台晶(宁波)电子有限公司 TXC Corporation.
台湾晶技为一专业之频率控制元件供应商,自1983年成立以来,始终致力于石英元件系列产品之研发、设计、生产与销售,专事生产高精密、高品质之石英谐振器(Crystal Units )、石英振荡器(Crystal Oscillators)等频率元件系列产品,相关产品均可广泛使用于行动通讯、电信、资通讯及储存运算设备、物联网 ...
台晶(宁波)电子有限公司 TXC Corporation.
2015年9月26日 · txc 提供各种石英晶体振荡器 (xo) 解决方案,应用包括电信、网络、消费设备、汽车设备等。客户可以选择合适的解决方案来实现设备的最佳效率和性能。高可靠性和电源噪声抑制(psnr)可以在恶劣的环境下使用时保持产品的性能。
TCXO-Products-TXC Corporation.
TXC provides a wide range of TCXO solutions. Products available include precise TCXO and automotive TCXO offering excellent frequency stability for telecommunications, GNSS, and other automotive demanding markets.
Investors-TXC Corporation.
This area provides a one-stop platform for in-depth understanding of TXC's financial performance, business operations and future prospects. Here you can find the latest stock price information, financial reports, and the company's investor relations activities, such as earnings meetings and shareholder meetings.
公司簡介 - 台灣晶技股份有限公司 TXC Corporation.
台灣晶技為一專業之頻率控制元件供應商,自1983年成立以來,始終致力於石英元件系列產品之研發、設計、生產與銷售,專事生產高精密、高品質之石英諧振器(Crystal Units )、石英振盪器(Crystal Oscillators)等頻率元件系列產品,相關產品皆可廣泛使用於行動通訊、電信、資通訊及儲存運算設備、物聯網 ...
Products-TXC Corporation.
TXC provides a wide range of TCXO solutions. Products available include precise TCXO and automotive TCXO offering excellent frequency stability for telecommunications, GNSS, and other automotive demanding markets.