GREAT ! Call, name etc.. on Display of TYT MD2017 and Retevis RT …
2019年1月30日 · TYT-2017 UV-(CSV)V3.33 and UV-(CSV-GPS)V3.33 these are different to the regular V3.33 versions. Will this change the info I already have in it No. It should leave any existing code plug as is. The csv database is saved in a separate area. It's always wise however to read your code plug from the radio and save it before proceeding, just in case.
Easy Instructions to use the NEW Retevis Rt-82 & TYT MD-2017
2017年6月29日 · Hi, i am pleasure to present you the E ASY ISTRUCTIONS to operate whit the NEW dualbander Retevis RT-82 or TYT Tytera MD-2017 …. Sorry it’s a short GUIDE for beginners.... not for expert, hi Is made by Steve W4CNG in English and …
HamRadioReviews blog post: TYT TH-8600 25W Mini Mobile Radio
2016年10月4日 · TYT website PC programming software easy to use and quick. (note, install to a root directory or it will not write to your file) 3. ISSUE: Specs say "dual watch" function, however, receiving signal locks out the audio from alternate vfo channel unless you key down on that vfo.
Retevis RT82 and TYT MD-2017 – Upload full DMR ID list
2018年2月21日 · This video is for the Retevis RT82 and the procedure works as well for the TYT MD-2017.
DMR digital for ham-radio : best Retevis Rt3 or MD-380 TYT - QRZ …
2016年11月6日 · TYT/Retevis DMR radios are basically trunked radios and very simple to use. They furthermore are suitable for EMCOMM, as you can define channels for different purposes and groups.
2017 : NEW Dualbander DMR coming soon by TYT and Retevis
2017年6月6日 · the RT-82 by RETEVIS (same of the TYT !) now start to buy ! the MD-2017 by TYT Tytera coming soon at the end of june ? and the ALIUNCE HD-1 by Retevis for ham-radio with a real VFO and the MD380tools inside !!!
The TYT TH-9800 Quad Band Transceiver now released
2013年12月27日 · We have received our first batch of the new TYT TH-9800 Quad Band Transceivers, we are currently putting 2 of them through the paces and early tests show they are exceptional rigs. I have produced a short video of them …
My review of the TYT TH-350 Tri-Band handheld radio
2018年9月9日 · I am having problems with this stinker. I'm getting an "echo" when I press any button and "How" do you seperate the bands, 144, 220, 440, etc. so they can all be different bands?
HR2.0 Episode 117 - Retevis RT-82 & TYT MD-2017 Comparison, …
2017年10月30日 · I've been wanting to do a comparison video for a while between the TYT MD2017 and the Retevis RT-82 dual band DMR HTs, which are essentially the same radio. They both take the same CPS, cable and codeplug, but there are …
TYT TH-9000D Off Frequency! Tune-up part 1 - QRZ Forums
2023年1月30日 · TYT TH-9000D Off Frequency! Tune-up part 1. Discussion in 'Videos, Podcasts, & Blogs' started by W3AXL ...