TAB-71 - Wikipedia
The TAB-71 (Transportorul Amfibiu Blindat model 1971) is the Romanian license-built version of the BTR-60PB. It was produced between 1970 and 1990 by RATMIL (now Romarm ). It is the only other license manufacture of the BTR-60PB.
TAB (armoured personnel carrier) - Wikipedia
TAB (Romanian: Transportor Amfibiu Blindat, translated Amphibious Armoured Personnel Carrier) is the Romanian military designation of armoured personnel carriers. The TAB APCs were based on the Russian BTR series until the early 1990s, with …
TAB-71 - Army Guide
The TAB-71 retains the central tyre-pressure regulation system, amphibious capability, front-mounted winch and NBC system of the Russian vehicle. In addition to the hatches above the commander's and driver's positions there is a door on either side of the hull above the second/third roadwheels and two rectangular roof hatches.
TAB-71 - Wikiwand
The TAB-71 (Transportorul Amfibiu Blindat model 1971) is the Romanian license-built version of the BTR-60PB. It was produced between 1970 and 1990 by RATMIL (now Romarm ). It is the only other license manufacture of the BTR-60PB.
TAB-71M — Википедия
TAB-71 — румынский бронетранспортёр, лицензионная копия советского БТР-60. Выпуск бронетранспортёра был освоен в начале 1970х годов на заводе специального тяжёлого машиностроения «Fabrica de Masini Grele Speciale» в Бухаресте (входившем в состав производственного объединения «23 августа») и прекращён к началу 1990х годов.
TAB-71 - Second Wiki
The TAB-71 is almost the same as the Russian TBP BTR-60PB (8 × 8) but the 90 horsepower gasoline engines, with a weight / power ratio of 17.47 hp / t, have been replaced in the TAB-71 by two more powerful 140 horsepower engines, and also gasoline.
TAB-71 APC 1972 - tank-afv.com
Eventually, the vehicle was called TAB-71 (for Transportorul Amfibiu Blindat model 1971) and was largely similar to the Soviet model, but with some significant differences as an improved turret and more powerful gasoline engines. Since 1971 until 1990, 2,073 TAB-71s has been manufactured, and six variants were declined.
TAB-71装甲人员运输车 - 中华网
TAB-71 (8×8)首次公开亮相是在1972年,是罗马尼亚对前苏联BTR-60PB (8×8)的翻版,但至少有两项主要改进:更强劲的发动机 (140马力发动机×2台,而苏制车辆为2台90马力发动机),仰角更高适用于防空的机枪。 TAB-71具备完全两栖能力,由车尾单个喷水器推进。 有中央轮胎压力调节系统。 炮塔手动旋转,机枪手动俯仰范围为-5°~+85°。 摩尔多瓦塞尔维亚黑山. TAB-71M,几乎与标准的TAB-71相同。 TAB-71AR,移除了炮塔而安装81毫米迫击炮的TAB-71。 TERA-71L, …
TAB-71 - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2023年7月22日 · The TAB-71 is an 8x8 armoured personnel carrier that replaced the 2x GAZ 49 90hp engines with the 2x French Saviem SR-225 gasoline engines with 140hp each vastly improving the power to weight ratio of the vehicle increasing …
Aberdeen US Army Ordinance Museum - Soviet Tanks - TAB-71
TAB-71 Armoured Personnel Carrier Specifications: Length: 23 feet, 7 inches Width: 9 feet, 4 inches Height: 8 feet, 11 inches Crew: 3 Weight: 12.1 Tons Max Speed: 60mph Range: 310 miles Armor:.27" Frontal Powerplant: 2 Water Cooled V-6 Gas Engines, 140hp each Fuel Capacity: 77 Gallons Armament: 14.5mm Main Gun 7.62mm Coax Machine Gun Entered ...