Ksp Table - UMass
The Ksp Table page at UMass provides solubility product constants for various compounds.
Ksp Table - University of Rhode Island
Solubility Product Constants near 25 °C. Ionic Compound Formula K sp. Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH) 3 1.8×10 –5 Aluminum phosphate AlPO 4 6.3×10 –19 Barium carbonate BaCO 3 5.1×10 –9 Barium chromate BaCrO 4 1.2×10 –10 Barium fluoride BaF 2 1.0×10 –6 Barium hydroxide Ba(OH) 2 5×10 –3 Barium sulfate BaSO 4 1.1×10 –10 Barium sulfite BaSO 3 8×10 –7 Barium thiosulfate BaS 2 O 3 ...
Solubility product constants - EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements
Solubility product constant (K<sub>sp</sub>) (or the solubility product) is the product of the molar concentrations of the constituent ions, each raised to the power of its stoichiometric coefficient in the equilibrium equation.
Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan (KSP) - Materi, Rumus, …
Secara umum, persamaan K sp untuk senyawa ionik A x B y adalah: Nilai K sp hanya bergantung pada temperatur, sama seperti tetapan kesetimbangan lainnya. Tabel berikut menunjukkan nilai K sp dari beberapa senyawa ionik pada 25°C.
sp K is a useful parameter for calculating the aqueous solubility of sparingly soluble compounds under various conditions. It may be determined by direct measure-ment or calculated from the standard Gibbs energies of formation ∆fG° of the species involved at their standard states.
Ksp Table - Cengage
Solubility Product Constants (K sp at 25 o C); Type Formula K sp; Bromides : PbBr 2: 6.3 × 10-6: AgBr: 3.3 × 10-13: Carbonates : BaCO 3: 8.1 × 10-9: CaCO 3: 3.8 × 10-9: CoCO 3: 8.0 × 10-13: CuCO 3: 2.5 × 10-10: FeCO 3: 3.5 × 10-11: PbCO 3: 1.5 × 10-13: MgCO 3: 4.0 × 10-5: MnCO 3: 1.8 × 10-11: NiCO 3: 6.6 × 10-9: Ag 2 CO 3: 8.1 × 10-12: ZnCO 3: 1.5 × 10-11: Chlorides
Solubility Product Constant, Ksp - ScienceGeek.net
Name: Formula: K sp: Barium carbonate : BaCO 3 : 2.6 x 10-9 : Barium chromate : BaCrO 4 : 1.2 x 10-10 : Barium sulfate : BaSO 4 : 1.1 x 10-10 : Calcium carbonate ...
KSP & KF Tables | PDF - Scribd
Ksp & Kf Tables - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Tabel ksp
Ksp Table (OpenChem) - Chemistry LibreTexts
The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by NICE CXone Expert and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739.
2019年5月29日 · Ksp adalah hasil kali konsentrasi ion-ion dalam larutan jenuh garam yang yang sukar larut dalam air. Nilai Ksp untuk elektrolit sejenis semakin besar maka semakin mudah larut. Kelarutan (s) merupakan konsentrasi maksimum zat terlarut. Hubungan kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan sebagai berikut: n = jumlah ion dari elektrolit.
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