Resolving inconsistencies in CVI tables - SAP Community
2023年12月4日 · If you encounter any inconsistencies in CVI_CUST_LINK table, execute report ZCUSTOMER_LINK_CHECK_REPORT. In case you come across issues within CVI_VEND_LINK tables, execute report ZVENDOR_LINK_CHECK_REPORT. If there are any problems with CVI_CUST_CT_LINK, please implement the report ZCUSTCONTACT_LINK_CHECK_REPORT.
FAQ: CVI - Customer Vendor Integration for system ... - SAP …
2024年6月24日 · To use the SAP Business Partner as leading object in SAP S/HANA, the Customer/Vendor Integration (CVI) must be used. To ensure a successful synchronization for all Customers, Vendors and all contacts which relate to Customer or Vendor must be converted to a Business Partner.
How SAP Business Partner and Customer Vendor Master are
2020年5月29日 · Have you ever wondered how the customer master and vendor master tables in SAP are connected to the new business partner tables? Below, you'll find a short technical explanation of SAP's Customer...
S/4Hana Busines Partner - Customer-Vendor Integration (CVI) …
2021年12月12日 · To use the SAP Business Partner as a leading object in SAP S/HANA, the Customer/Vendor Integration (CVI) must be used. The CVI component ensures the synchronization between the Business Partner object and the Customer/Vendor objects. The diagram below illustrates the context.
Setting Up the Customer-Vendor-Integration - SAP Learning
After completing this lesson, you will be able to set up the customer-vendor-integration (CVI) in SAP S/4HANA Sales. The business partner (BP) is capable of centrally managing master data for business partners, customers, and vendors and the single point of entry to create, edit, and display those data.
3394341 - Consistency check reports for CVI_*_LINK tables
To check, if the CVI_*_LINK tables such as CVI_CUST_LINK, CVI_VEND_LINK, CVI_CUST_CT_LINK and CVI_VEND_CT_LINK are consistent, you can use the following Tcodes: Tcode BPVENDCHECK - BP<->Vendor consistency check report
labWindows CVI 的table主要用法.docx 7页 - 原创力文档
2017年12月20日 · LabWindows/CVI中table的主要用法2016年12月20日 狄阁老Table是在各种开发环境中一个很重要的控件,特别是在测试软件中,table是一个重要的结果显示控件,下面来介绍一下table的主要功能:(最后附有效果视频)一、要使用table首先需要插入行列,插入列的函 …
在LabWindows/CVI中程控的调整表格控件的属性_cvi操作edit table …
2021年6月12日 · 要显示具体数量的行或列,可以使用 SetCtrlAttribute 函数中的 ATTR_NUM_VISIBLE_ROWS 和 ATTR_NUM_VISIBLE_COLUMNS 属性。 下面的语句显示了前5行和前5列。 上述两句语句将在不考虑每行行高和列宽的情况下,修改表格以使得前5行和列显示出来。 如果表格的行数和列数少于5,LabWindows/CVI 将会基于行和列的默认大小,为其余的行和列预留足够的空间。 文章浏览阅读2.3k次。 问题:我在LabWindows/CVI中使用了一个表格 …
labWindows CVI 的table主要用法 - 豆丁网
2017年12月20日 · LabWindows/CVI中table的主要用法. 2016年12月20日狄阁老. Table是在各种开发环境中一个很重要的控件,特别是在测试软件中,table是一个重要的. 结果显示控件,下面来介绍一下table的主要功能:(最后附有效果视频) 一、要使用table首先需要插入行列,插入列的函 …
Link between BP Contact Person and contact person ... - SAP …
2016年11月19日 · 1. Go to table BUT000, enter BP number 11911 (BP contact person). Get the GUID. 2. Go to table CVI_CUST_CT_LINK, enter the GUID in step1 into the PERSON GUID. Execute. 3. The CUSTOMER_CONT is the customer contact ID, in your case, it should be 20000. Here in table CVI_CUST_CT_LINK, you could get the required link. Hope I have answered your ...
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