7.1. Real Gas Property (RGP) Table Files - Ansys
You can create RGP table files from the NIST REFPROP material properties using the RGP Generator command line tool. The RGP Generator produces RGP files for the liquid and vapor states of a pure substance. The liquid and vapor phases can be saved either individually in separate files or in two separate RGP data sections in the same single file.
12.1.5. Using Real Gas Property (RGP) Tables - Ansys
If you use an .rgp file for material properties, you must ensure that your application falls within the temperature and pressure ranges used to generate the tables. .rgp tables can be generated using your own table generator or using the Tools menu in CFX-Pre. The built-in Real Gas or IAPWS equations of state are a convenient option because the ...
RGP Table Generator for ANSYS CFX Simulations - GitHub
RGP Table Generator for ANSYS CFX Simulations. Contribute to ShreySahai/RGPGenerator development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - luvm/RGP_generator: RGP文件生成器
This program was developed to generate custom step size RGP files using the NIST fluid properties.
RGP Table Generator with metastable approach - GitHub
RGP Table Generator with metastable approach. Contribute to properallan/RGPmeta development by creating an account on GitHub.
14.6.6. Real Gas Property (RGP) Table Files for the Wet Steam …
RGP tables provide thermodynamic and transport material properties as functions of temperature and pressure. Creating RGP files is describe in Using Real Gas Property (RGP) Table Files in the Fluent User's Guide. When creating the RGP file for the Wet Steam model, it is sufficient to generate data for only the vapor component and it will ...
基于NIST真实气体数据库导入CFX的接口开发,ansys-cfx流体分析培 …
2017年9月2日 · rgp文件有固定的格式,分为文件头和数据两大区块,分别包含物质属性的摘要信息和详细数据,比如过热状态的压力上下限值,温度上下限值,临界压力,临界温度,数据表格(数组)的格式等等。
How to generate and setup RGP-Tables for CFX multiphase flow ...
2018年4月24日 · I have to set up a RGP-Table based simulation in CFX. The task is to simulate the cooling effect of throttled parahydrogen. Therefore I have to create a RGP-Table. Is somebody aware of a tool which creates such a table using the REFPROP NIST Database?
I want to know about RGP Table in Fluent. - Innovation Space
2021年11月12日 · I use Fluent beta feature manual and generate RGP table. (The name of chapter might be "Creating RGP Files") I generate water RGP table, and change it's value. In water table, there are tables like volume, specific heat, viscosity, thermal conductivity and so on. Each table consist p-T relation. I changed each table value.
RGP table for supercritical, gas and liquid phase - Innovation Space
2019年2月14日 · In my domain, at the inlet, I have supercritical CO2 (neither liquid nor vapor). So, for the inlet, I have to specify mass fraction at the inlet. What would be the mass fraction? I checked my model. I tried with pressure and temperature below supercritical, P=6Mpa and T=290K and quality of CO2=0.5. The simulation converged.