McMillan TAC-50C
The McMillan TAC®-50C is an update to the renowned TAC®-50A1. The TAC®-50C features the new folding Cadex Dual Strike chassis system. It includes an adjustable cheekpiece with vertical adjustment and an adjustable length of pull. The stock incorporates a smaller pistol grip to fit a wider range of hand shapes, with and without gloves.
McMillan TAC-50 - Wikipedia
The McMillan TAC-50 is a long-range anti-materiel rifle. The TAC-50 is based on previous designs from McMillan, which first appeared during the late 1980s. From May 2017 until November 2023, it held the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill.
麦克米兰TAC-50狙击步枪,全长1448毫米,空枪重量11.8千克,采用手动旋转的后拉式枪机系统,装有比赛级浮置枪管。 这种浮置枪管不会跟枪身产生刚性连结,避免枪身变形,枪管表面刻有凹槽,用以降低枪管重量,增加机械强度。 [2] TAC-50是TAC-50狙击步枪(Long Range Sniper Weapon—LRSW)的简称,1980年由美国研制的一种军队及执法部门用狙击武器,麦克米兰生产,用于2001年阿富汗战争、伊拉克战争。 加拿大军队在2000年起的制式“长距离狙击武 …
McMillan TAC- 50C Starting at $10,914.75 - McMillan Firearms
The McMillan TAC®-50C is an update to the renowned TAC®-50A1. The TAC®-50C features the new folding Cadex Dual Strike chassis system. It includes an adjustable cheekpiece with vertical adjustment and an adjustable length of pull. The stock incorporates a smaller pistol grip to fit a wider range of hand shapes, with and without gloves.
2022年世界现役排名前十狙击步枪(第一):McMillan TAC-50|弹匣|反器材|后坐力|tac…
2022年12月3日 · McMillan TAC-50C 是著名的 TAC-50A1 的升级版。 TAC-50C 采用了全新折叠式 Cadex Dual Strike 底盘系统。 它包括一个可3D调节的贴腮板,三个 1913 MIL-STD 导轨兼容更多的辅件。 做为远程反器材和狙击步枪,麦克米兰TAC-50被加拿大、法国、格鲁吉亚、以色列、约旦、菲律宾、南非、土耳其和美国等多国精锐的军事和执法单位所使用。 在加拿大它被称为 C15 远程狙击武器,在美国海军海豹突击队它被称作Mk.15。 TAC-50具有出色的准确性,可提供 …
MCMILLAN TAC-50C For Sale - McMillan Firearms USA
The McMillan TAC®-50C is an update to the renowned TAC®-50A1. The TAC®-50C features the new folding Cadex Dual Strike chassis system. It includes an adjustable cheekpiece with vertical adjustment and an adjustable length of pull. The stock incorporates a smaller pistol grip to fit a wider range of hand shapes, with and without gloves.
Tac-50狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
这5名加拿大狙击所使用的狙击步枪是麦克米兰公司生产的.50口径战术步枪(.50 CAL TACTICAL),又称为TAC-50。 当美国陆军采用了巴雷特公司生产的M82A1 12.7mm步枪后,许多12.7mm民间比赛步枪便涌向军方市场,很多国家的军队也跟着采用了.50步枪用作反器材步枪或狙击步枪。 加拿大军方在2000年4月采用了麦克米兰TAC-50,并命名为C15远程狙击武器系统(LRSW)。 海豹是TAC-50的另一个主要用户,而且美国海军将其命名为Mk15 MOD0 …
McMillan TAC50C - Precision Long-Range Sniper Rifle | B&B …
The McMillan TAC®-50C is designed for extreme long-range precision, combining the power of .50 BMG with a match-grade barrel and adjustable trigger for maximum accuracy. Its Cadex Dual Strike chassis provides superior ergonomics and customization, making it the go-to choice for tactical shooters and long-range enthusiasts who demand ...
MCMILLAN TAC-50C For Sale | Gun Mart
The McMillan TAC®-50C is an update to the renowned TAC®-50A1. The TAC®-50C features the new folding Cadex Dual Strike chassis system. It includes an adjustable cheekpiece with vertical adjustment and an adjustable length of pull. The stock incorporates a smaller pistol grip to fit a wider range of hand shapes, with and without gloves.
McMillan TAC-50C .50 BMG Bolt, Black - Palmetto State Armory
Introducing the McMillan TAC-50C, an evolution of the legendary TAC-50A1 that redefines long-range precision. This cutting-edge rifle features the innovative folding Cadex Dual Strike chassis system, enhancing portability without sacrificing performance.