Tac-Bars | MADNESS: Project Nexus Wiki | Fandom
TAC Bar, shorthand for Tactical Bar, is a returning game mechanic from MADNESS: Project Nexus classic. TAC-Bars allow characters in the game to temporarily dodge ranged attacks, but are entirely ineffective at preventing melee attacks from landing. TAC-Bars come in 3 tiers: Novice, Journeyman, and Master. Types of Tac-Bars []
MPN指南——竞技场模式简易入门 - 哔哩哔哩
tac-bar — 闪避条: 可以理解为类似远程护盾,当敌人对你进行远程攻击(枪击,投掷武器)时,tac-bar会消耗自身数值为你抵消该次伤害,当tac-bar耗尽时,再次受到远程伤害时会计算在生命槽上。tac-bar可以通过击杀、处决获得。(闪避条无法抵御近战攻击)
关于原版MPN1竞技场全机制(除敌人随波数刷出)解读 - 哔哩哔哩
tac-bar是闪避条,闪避条拥有的条件比较严苛,需要人物等级达到5级才能拥有,闪避条随等级的增长比较没有规律,,不过增长速率比血更快,最高为91,main menu是返回主菜单,begin是进入竞技场,mp5k的图标是人物的装备武器安排界面,人物模型下面中级的图标 ...
闪避条 | MadnessCN Wiki | Fandom
又名:闪躲条;tac-bar 等等 新版闪避条样式【汉化预览图】 它是你本能地躲避来自敌方攻击的能力。你将通过对于“身法技能”的学习来讲闪避条提升至不同层级。 有的攻击无法躲闪,例如擒拿,某些拳击,以及所有的投掷物打击。
MPN/Gameplay Mechanics | Madness Combat Wiki | Fandom
The Tac-Bar is a shield-type mechanic that protects the character from incoming gunshots. Eventually, it will run out, which renders the Tac-Bar useless until the player refills the Tac-Bar by killing enemies.
[MPN2]人物属性分析 - 哔哩哔哩
Tac bar:36.8(b.1.0) P.S.汉克在b1.0所有npc最强的一个。 但由于不合理的闪躲条设置,他并未显示出在枪林弹雨中无所畏惧的优势,也不会格挡子弹。
How i can use my Tac Bar - Steam Community
2021年10月2日 · it's only used when you're shot, it makes you dodge shots. if it makes you dodge melees? no idea. Unfortunately, he doesn't do that for me, I swallow every bullet. Therefore it is quite difficult for me, even on the "noob" difficulty, I can not get through the 3rd level in the arena mode from the heli-pad missions. Originally posted by salem:
【合集】Madness Project Nexus自由竞技场全翻译 - 百度贴吧
Specially crafted short blade with an outstanding lifespan.it may even outlast its wieder. 这把刀的特点就是它那精心制造的短刃和它显著的使用寿命。 这可能会让你更好地绝境求生. Like the Carbon Knife,This sword will only leave your posession when pried from your cold,dead hands. The damage isn't anything to brag about,but the range of stainless steel pipe is a definite perk.
Madness: Project Nexus/Story Mode - Madness Combat Wiki
2023年1月5日 · Along with a health bar, you also have a TAC-BAR. The TAC-BAR consists of four bars, and recharges over time. When you are hit, the TAC-BAR loses a bar. As long as the bar does not empty, your health with not degrade. A.T.P. engineers and A.T.P. soldats also have TAC-BARs of their own how many bars they have is depending on what difficulty you ...
Tac-Bar :: MADNESS: Project Nexus General Discussions - Steam Community
2021年9月30日 · What is it and how does it work? Tac bar act like a shield toward bullets and projectile type damage. It pretty much a auto dodge. It refill as you kill enemies. It also let's you break out of certian situations easier, giving you a little leeyway with breaks and all that.
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