TacSat-2 - Wikipedia
TacSat-2 (also known as JWS-D1 ((Joint Warfighting Space-Demonstrator 1) or RoadRunner) [2] was an experimental satellite built by the USAF's Air Force Research Laboratory with an operational life expected to be not more than one year as part of the "Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration" program.
TacSat-2 (JWS-D1 (Joint Warfighting Space-Demonstrator 1) or …
2012年6月14日 · TacSat-2 (Tactical Satellite-2) is a DoD technology demonstration mission of AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) within AFRL's (Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM) Roadrunner program.
战术卫星2号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京 …
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TacSat 2 (JWS D1, ST 6ISC) - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月14日 · The TacSat-2 is a small technology mission of the Air Force Research Laboratory. It built upon the experience gained with TacSat 1. TacSat 2 has now been renamed JWS D 1 (Joint Warfighting Space Demonstrator).
TacSat-2 - Busek
On December 16, 2006 the AFRL TacSat-2 satellite was launched with Busek’s 200W Hall Thruster for primary propulsion. This thruster is the first US-designed and US-built Hall thruster in space and represents a significant milestone not only for …
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Tactical Satellite-2
2016年6月28日 · The TacSat-2 mission is an ongoing funded Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration, which is to exhibit the tenets of responsive space concepts. It has three main objectives: 1. Rapid Design, Build, Test with a launch-ready spacecraft within 15 months from authority to proceed. 2. Responsive Launch, Checkout, Operations to
美国快速响应空间试验分析-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服务平台
摘要 通过对美国战术卫星-2(TacSat-2)、战术卫星-3(TacSat-3)和猎鹰-1(Falcon-1)等典型快速响应卫星和快速响应运载器试验的跟踪,初步分析了试验的目的、内容、过程和结果,总结了试验的主要特点。试验结...
TacSat-2 Ushers in New Era in Satellite Operations - SpaceNews
2023年1月19日 · TacSat-2, cobbled together largely from commercially available components — some never designed for space operations — is awaiting launch from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia ...
TacSat 2 experimental solar array on-orbit data and analysis
This paper presents the physical configuration, preflight testing, and on-orbit data analysis for the Experimental Solar Array flown on the TacSat-2 satellite (a.k.a. Roadrunner). Successful deployment of the fold integrated thin-film stiffening solar array was demonstrated.
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