Word Root: tact (Root) - Membean
When there is con tact between two things or people, they touch or there is a link formed between them. The act or state of touching; a touching or meeting, as of two things or people. …
词根词缀法巧记考研英语词汇:词根tang-(触)_te - 搜狐
2019年12月8日 · 词根tang-的完成分词形式是tact-,它直接形成单词tact,本意就是“触摸,用手巧妙地处理”,由于词根采用了完成分词形式,表示动作已完成,所以它是个名词,表示“触觉”, …
英语词根(九十):tang, tact = touch 接触 - 哔哩哔哩
tact:tact = to touch 接触; 【n】老练圆滑的;机智得体的:An ambassador must have tact. 大事必须机制老练,言行得体。 tactile:tact = to touch 触;-ile [adj]···的; 【adj】①触觉 …
Word Root: tang (Root) - Membean
Something that is integral to something else is an essential or necessary part of it. A tang ential point in an argument merely touches upon something that is not really relevant to the …
Word Root: Tact / Tang - Wordpandit
Tact and Tang: The Language of Touch in Expression and Sensation. Delve into the fascinating world of the word roots "tact" and "tang," derived from Latin, meaning "touch." From …
-tang-词根,-tang-词根的含义,-tang-词根的英语单词 - 听力课堂在 …
in 无 + tact 接触 → 未经触动的;完整无缺的. intangible不能触知的adj. in 不 + tangible 可触摸的 → 不能触知的. tact机智;圆滑(和人接触的能力很强)n. tactics战术;策略n. tact 接触 + ics …
Reading Root Words -tact -tang Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like contact, contagious, contiguous and more.
- 评论数: 8
tact词根,tact词根的含义,tact词根的英语单词 - 听力课堂在线翻译
tact词根的含义:touch: 接触 tact词根的解释:to tuouch tact词根的来源: tang,tact,ting (tig,tag)为同源异形根,来源于拉丁语动词tangere的不定式词干,tact是名词词干,过去分词是tactus,它 …
字塾 -單字記憶教室: [root] tact, tang, tag, ting, tig-薛習 英文單 …
contact - a state in which two things touch; tactile - relating to the sense of touch; tangible - able to be touched; intact - with nothing missing. 在此取 體 之意。 1 a. (C)行為,舉動. a. [常 A ~] 『戲 …
词根:-tact-, -ting-, -tang-, -tag-_趣词词根字典
词根:-tact-, -ting-, -tang-, -tag-【词根含义】:接触 【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus(接触)。 【同源单词】:
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