The TADTM 12AY7/6072A is a High Performance Medium-Mu Twin Triode The TADTM 12AY7/6072A brings back that Vintage Tone of the legendary Fender Tweed Amps of the 50`s. The original tube for all those Amps. Can also be used in position which call for a 12AX7/ECC83 or 7025 to get a warmer and cleaner tone and to reduce gain to about 50%.
The Best 12AY7 Preamp Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Are you looking for the very best 12AY7 preamp tubes for your vacuum tube amplifier? This is the place to start. Check out the following tube reviews for guidance in getting the best possible tone out of your tube preamp.
12AY7 | 6072A | Preamp:doubletriodes | Tubes - Tube Amp Doctor
Vintage tone for original vintage Fender tweed amps. The original tube for all those Fender® tweed amps from the 50s. Brings back the original sound to your tweed amp. The 6072a is also used in high quality tube...
12AY7/6072A TAD Premium Selected - Tube Amp Doctor
Typischer Weise sind das ca. 30-60% aus einer Charge die das Prädikat SELECTED von TAD erhält. Für Anwendungen in besonders sensiblen Funktionen wie V1 bzw. Input-Stage bei Combo-Amps, High-Gain Amp, Röhenmikrophonen und Phono-Preamps empfehlen wir die Verwendung der jeweiligen HIGHGRADE Selektion
TAD 12AY7 selected preamp tube 12AY7 / 6072a (RT007)
TAD 12AY7 selected preamp tube 12AY7 / 6072a (RT007) Tweed Up Your Amp! Vintage tone for original vintage Fender tweed amps. The original tube for all those Fender® tweed amps from the 50s. Brings back the original sound to your tweed amp.
12AY7 / 6072 Preamp Vacuum Tubes | www.thetubestore.com
Below is our current selection of 12AY7 vacuum tubes. The 12AY7 tube equivalent part number is 6072. For more information on 12AY7 / 6072 preamp tubes including pinouts, ratings, application and possible substitutions visit 12AY7 in Duncan Amps.
The NEW TADTM 12AY7/6072A with GOLD-PINS incl. Balanced Systems is a High Performance Medium-Mu Twin Triode. Especially for HI END Audio-Stereo applications selected 12AY7 / 6072a with extremely low tolerances in amplification factor for perfectly balanced stereo channels. Note: this selection is not required for guitar amplifiers use.
TAD (Tube Amp Doctor) Premium Selected 12AY7/6072A Tube
Revive Your Amp with Vintage Tone! Experience the classic sound with our vintage tubes, perfect for original vintage Fender® tweed amps. These original tubes are the heart of the Fender® tweed amps from the 50s. They can recreate that iconic sound and restore your tweed amp to its former glory. What Makes a Preamp Tube a Premium Selected Tube?
TAD ( チューブアンプドクター ) 12AY7 / 6072A TAD-Tubes | ギ …
Tube Amp Doctor ( チューブアンプドクター )12AY7 / 6072A TAD-Tubesは、50年代の伝説的なFender Tweed Ampのビンテージトーンを蘇らせるオリジナルの真空管です。 12AX7/ECC83や7025のポジションで使用すると、よりウォームでクリーンなトーンが得られ、ゲインを50%程度 …
TAD 12AY7/6072a High Grade, Premium Selected RT070 - Hot …
TAD 12AY7/6072a High Grade, Premium Selected RT070 Tweed Up Your Amp! The vintage tone for original vintage Fender tweed amps. The original tube for all those Fender® tweed amps from the 50s. Brings back the original sound to your tweed amp.
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