Taymyr Peninsula - Wikipedia
The Evenki people originally used this name for the Taimyr River, known for its abundance of fish. In the 19th century, thanks to the geographer and explorer Alexander von Middendorff (1815–1894), the name came to refer to the entire peninsula .
泰梅爾半島 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
位於圖中的中左方的泰梅爾半島. 泰梅尔半岛(Таймыр полуостров),亚洲大陆最北端的一个半岛。 介于喀拉海 叶尼塞湾和拉普捷夫海 哈坦加湾之间,面积约40万平方千米,全境属俄罗斯 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区管辖,最高点海拔1146米;气候寒冷,海岸线曲折。
泰梅尔半岛 - 百度百科
泰梅尔半岛(俄语:Ручка Темел.),是亚洲最北半岛。它西及西北濒喀拉海及叶尼塞湾,东和东北临拉普捷夫海及哈坦加湾,北隔维利基茨基海峡与北地群岛相望。泰梅尔半岛占地面积约40万平方千米,长约1000千米,宽约500千米。北部沿海为狭长平原;中部为贝兰加山地,最高点海 …
Taymyr Peninsula | Arctic, Siberia, Wildlife | Britannica
Taymyr Peninsula, northernmost extension of the Eurasian landmass, in north-central Siberia in Krasnoyarsk kray (region), northeastern central Russia.The northernmost point of the peninsula is Cape Chelyuskin, north of which lie Vilkitsky Strait and Severnaya Zemlya.To the west of the peninsula lie the Kara Sea and the Gulf of Yenisey; to the …
About us - This is Taimyr
The Taimyr peninsula is the northernmost mainland of Eurasia and the largest untouched section of the tundra on Earth - more than 400 thousand kilometers of wildlife. Translated from the Evenk language Taimyr means “rich”, “generous”. And this is true: unique ...
Taimyr-Central Siberian Tundra - One Earth
2020年9月23日 · The northernmost continental land in the world, the Taimyr-Central Siberian Tundra ecoregion is a vast area of pristine polar desert, mountain and lowland tundra, rich wetlands and larch forests. Relic steppe vegetation from the Holocene period survives in sheltered canyons.
Taimyrhalbinsel – Wikipedia
Die Taimyrhalbinsel (russisch Таймы́рский полуо́стров Taimyrski poluostrow) ist eine etwa 400.000 km² große Halbinsel zwischen Kara-und Laptewsee (Nordpolarmeer) im Norden der Region Krasnojarsk (früher Autonomer Kreis Taimyr) sowie von Sibirien und Russland und ist der nördlichste kontinentale Festlandteil der Erde.
Taimyr–Central Siberian tundra - Wikipedia
The Taimyr-Central Siberian tundra ecoregion (WWF ID: PA1111) is an ecoregion that broadly covers the Taymyr Peninsula in the Russian Far North. It ranges from the delta of the Yenisei River in the west, across the Taymyr Peninsula and Khatanga Gulf , …
This is Taimyr — This is Taimyr
Taimyr juniors win at northern multi-sport championship Interest in hunting for Northern lights in Taimyr grows
these three models, the Taimyr wolf is consistently placed very close to the split between the dog and wolf lineages, as measured in units of genetic drift (an F ST of 0 to 0.007). Thus, our data are consistent with a trifurcation of the dog, wolf, and Taimyr lineages, indicating that they all diverged at about the same time.