Taipei 101
Observatory - Taipei 101
台北101是台灣最著名的景點與指標建築,全台最大的國際級購物中心精品,珠寶, 手錶,米其林一條街與異國風相互輝映讓美食餐廳更接近,全世界最大的鼎泰豐串連著世界饕客,觀景台則進入您走向台北的天空看見台灣的歷史,讓自然美景佐著人文韻味 ...
Tourist - Taipei 101
Taipei 101. An landmark building can be a catalyst for a city. Facing the 21st century, Taipei needs a wider stage. Like the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, and the late Jinmao Tower in Shanghai.
Fare Description | Taipei 101
Taipei 101. An landmark building can be a catalyst for a city. Facing the 21st century, Taipei needs a wider stage. Like the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, and the late Jinmao Tower in Shanghai.
海外專屬優惠 | Taipei 101
Members of the following global partner shopping malls can enjoy the exclusive privileges offered by TAIPEI 101. Customers must present their membership card at the B1 customer service center of TAIPEI 101 MALL to receive Tourist Card and enjoy the privileges.
News - Taipei 101
2024年7月18日 · 台北101官方新聞、活動公告與相關資訊,提供第一時間掌握台北101最新消息。
台北101 ESG | Taipei 101
TAIPEI 101 is not only a model of supertall green building in the world, but also has been awarded LEED Platinum certification for three consecutive sessions since 2011. In 2023, we also obtained the WELL v2 Core Platinum Certification with the highest score in the world.
Business - Taipei 101
台北101國際地標,全球最高健康綠建築,擁有leed及well雙白金認證。 頂級商辦大樓,業界最高抗震標準及完善安全配套,專屬管家與卓越物業服務,健康綠建築管理先趨,攜手租戶實踐ESG目標。
Events11 - Taipei 101
Taipei 101. An landmark building can be a catalyst for a city. Facing the 21st century, Taipei needs a wider stage. Like the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, and the late Jinmao Tower in Shanghai.
Online Reservation: | Taipei 101
Taipei 101. An landmark building can be a catalyst for a city. Facing the 21st century, Taipei needs a wider stage. Like the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, and the late Jinmao Tower in Shanghai.