The Tal 2 M Newtownian Reflector - Stargazers Lounge
2010年1月14日 · The Tal is packed in two absolutely wonderful ¾ inch thick, plywood boxes with metal supports and handles. One of these (about five feet long by one foot deep by 1 and half feet wide) contains the optical tube and pillar stand along with the accessories.
Sovietski TAL-2M - Classic Telescopes - Cloudy Nights
2020年6月27日 · I have a Tal-2m which I have owned from new, bought it in 1997. Since I moved house it spent 10 years or more in storage in a garage, but it is out now and in use. Great for planets and lunar. I am thinking of an 80mm epo refractor now for astrophotography.
Novosibirsk/Sovietski Tal-2m - Excelsis
Novosibirsk/Sovietski Tal-2m This is a nearly perfect implementation of the classic 6" Newtonian. Rugged, all metal, all stainless steel captive screws and it comes with plenty of accessories including a great 25mm Plössl and a solar projection screen.
Tal 2m? - Getting Started Equipment Help and Advice - Stargazers …
2020年11月9日 · The Tal-2 mount has proper ball races and is a much more substantial unit- I almost ruined mine trying to disassemble it as one of the bearings was crunchy- bit more involved than the plain bearings of the TAL-1
TAL 2M Advice - Getting Started Equipment Help and Advice
2021年1月2日 · For the TAL finder, are you able to tell if the black specks are on the outer surface of the eyepiece/objective lenses? If they are then a blower or camel hair brush to tease them away and a clean with a lens cleaning fluid on a microfibre cloth may be all that's needed.
Request for comment: Tal 150 PM and Tal 2M - Cloudy Nights
2005年3月7日 · I need some comments from experienced astronomers regarding the Tal 150PM and the Tal 2M telescopes. I already read probably all the reviews available on the internet for the Tal telescopes and I know that in general they seem to be a very good option. I consider buying one of them but I can't decide which one for several reasons.
奧地利 SOLA 專業級劃記捲尺Talmeter TAL 2m
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Astronomical Telescopes and Accessories - flybird.co.uk
TAL-2M Motorised Newtonian Reflector Telescope A top quality observatory-standard instrument offering exceptional optical performance for the serious amateur astronomer. Features include a built-in motor drive, ultra-stable pedestal stand and supplied with a …
Tal 2M Manual | PDF | Mirror | Optics - Scribd
Tal 2M Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document is a service manual for the TAË-2 telescope. It contains 3 sections: 1. General directions which state the telescope forms an inverted image and direct viewing of the sun is only permitted with a solar filter. 2.
TAL 2 Russian Telescope, Siberia 150, 6" Reflector - WorthPoint
You are looking at a Siberia 150 Reflector Telescope, now rebadged TAL-2. Bought this about a year ago with the intention of restoring it to its former glory Comes with viewfinder scope, two eyepieces 15mm and 42 mm and a 4 x barlow lens.